c# Programming Glossary: badly
C#: Try-catch every line of code without individual try-catch blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117173/c-try-catch-every-line-of-code-without-individual-try-catch-blocks by a hundred. Some of these might work others might go badly wrong. What you need is the C# equivalent of on error resume..
Do I need to lock or mark as volatile when accessing a simple boolean flag in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1222184/do-i-need-to-lock-or-mark-as-volatile-when-accessing-a-simple-boolean-flag-in-c new object and lock on this. For an example of how badly it breaks i.e. looping forever if you don't synchronize see..
Direct casting vs 'as' operator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/132445/direct-casting-vs-as-operator a need for this return null type of functionality with badly designed libraries which use error codes e.g. return null error..
Why is filter not working with text/string values in Lucene.Net? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16906689/why-is-filter-not-working-with-text-string-values-in-lucene-net changed the version to 3.0.3 but error still persists. I badly need the filter in my program to work. Otherwise I will have..
What ORM for .net should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691575/what-orm-for-net-should-i-use a good design the cache helps here otherwise it'll perform badly. This has been considered a sore point of NH ever since LINQ..
Visual C++ versus Visual C# , which is the best to learn? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1981547/visual-c-versus-visual-c-sharp-which-is-the-best-to-learn i am unable to understand the language of this book and badly trying to understand the codes . I want to learn visual c for..
Using lock statement within a loop in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2113261/using-lock-statement-within-a-loop-in-c-sharp the correct thing to do It depends It depends on just how badly the worker thread behaves and what it is doing when it is misbehaving... and terminate the process not the thread when things go badly. In short there's no good answer to the question what do I do..
How to fix the flickering in User controls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2612487/how-to-fix-the-flickering-in-user-controls the user for a while. They are normally white contrasting badly with the BackgroundImage when it is dark. Or they can be black.. its Opacity or TransparencyKey property set contrasting badly with just about anything. This is a pretty fundamental limitation.. prevent the holes from being so noticeable and contrasting badly with the image. You can turn off the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style flag..
Pass An Instantiated System.Type as a Type Parameter for a Generic Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/266115/pass-an-instantiated-system-type-as-a-type-parameter-for-a-generic-class Type genericClass typeof Generic MakeGenericType is badly named Type constructedClass genericClass.MakeGenericType typeArgument..
What exactly are unmanaged resources? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3433197/what-exactly-are-unmanaged-resources know about the unmanaged resources it can't tell how badly it needs to release them so it's possible for your program to..
Floating point comparison functions for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3874627/floating-point-comparison-functions-for-c-sharp if not outright impossible. Your current code will fail badly for a 0 . How the method should behave for such cases is really..
System.Drawing in Windows or ASP.NET services http://stackoverflow.com/questions/390532/system-drawing-in-windows-or-asp-net-services out of unmanaged resources memory or resource leaks badly implemented or called dispose patterns and or dialogs being..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c but then never gets used again you're losing pretty badly nearly all your execution is via the slow interpreted path then..
How to add a Timeout to Console.ReadLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57615/how-to-add-a-timeout-to-console-readline backspace up key for previous input . Function behaves badly when invoked multiple times spawning multiple threads many hanging..
Could not establish trust relationship for SSL/TLS secure channel — SOAP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/703272/could-not-establish-trust-relationship-for-ssl-tls-secure-channel-soap from the certificate is the certificate still valid is a badly configured load balancer messing things up does the new server..
Is it appropriate to extend Control to provide consistently safe Invoke/BeginInvoke functionality? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/714666/is-it-appropriate-to-extend-control-to-provide-consistently-safe-invoke-begininv the course of my maintenance for an older application that badly violated the cross thread update rules in winforms I created..
How to speed adding items to a ListView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9008310/how-to-speed-adding-items-to-a-listview item o listView.Items.Add item This runs very badly. The obvious first fix is to call BeginUpdate EndUpdate . Attempt..