c# Programming Glossary: backgroundcolor
Creating Excel document with OpenXml sdk 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1012547/creating-excel-document-with-openxml-sdk-2-0 ForegroundColor new ForegroundColor Rgb FFFF0000 BackgroundColor new BackgroundColor Indexed 64 Count UInt32Value 3U new Borders.. new ForegroundColor Rgb FFFF0000 BackgroundColor new BackgroundColor Indexed 64 Count UInt32Value 3U new Borders new Border new..
How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954966/how-to-export-a-jqgrid-data-to-excel-using-c new Fill new PatternFill PatternType PatternValues.Solid BackgroundColor new BackgroundColor Indexed 64U ForegroundColor new ForegroundColor.. PatternType PatternValues.Solid BackgroundColor new BackgroundColor Indexed 64U ForegroundColor new ForegroundColor Rgb FFD9D9D9..
OpenXML SDK having borders for cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15791732/openxml-sdk-having-borders-for-cell foregroundColor1 new ForegroundColor Rgb FFFFFF00 BackgroundColor backgroundColor1 new BackgroundColor Indexed UInt32Value 64U.. Rgb FFFFFF00 BackgroundColor backgroundColor1 new BackgroundColor Indexed UInt32Value 64U patternFill.Append foregroundColor1..
How to insert XML comments in XML Serialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2129414/how-to-insert-xml-comments-in-xml-serialization get set XmlElement backgroundColor public string BackgroundColor get set XmlElement fontColor public string FontColor get set.. wrap.CourseName Comp 1510 wrap.FontColor #ffffff wrap.BackgroundColor #ffffff wrap.SharingKey Guid.NewGuid Tasks task new Tasks ..
How can I write fast colored output to Console? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2754518/how-can-i-write-fast-colored-output-to-console window using C# .net than with the simple Write BackgroundColor and ForegroundColor methods and properties I learned that each..
It is possible to copy all the properties of a certain control? (C# window forms) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3473597/it-is-possible-to-copy-all-the-properties-of-a-certain-control-c-window-forms For example I have a DataGridView control with a Blue BackgroundColor property etc.. is there a way which I can transfer or pass programatically..
Changing text color in C# Console Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7937256/changing-text-color-in-c-sharp-console-application args Color screenTextColor Color.Orange Color screenBackgroundColor Color.Black int irc SetScreenColorsApp.SetScreenColors screenTextColor.. SetScreenColorsApp.SetScreenColors screenTextColor screenBackgroundColor Debug.Assert irc 0 SetScreenColors failed Win32Error code irc.. Debug.WriteLine ForegroundColor Console.ForegroundColor BackgroundColor Console.BackgroundColor Console.WriteLine Some text in a console..
How to insert XML comments in XML Serialization? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2129414/how-to-insert-xml-comments-in-xml-serialization courseName public string CourseName get set XmlElement backgroundColor public string BackgroundColor get set XmlElement fontColor public..
Changing text color in C# Console Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7937256/changing-text-color-in-c-sharp-console-application static int SetScreenColors Color foregroundColor Color backgroundColor int irc irc SetColor ConsoleColor.Gray foregroundColor if irc.. if irc 0 return irc irc SetColor ConsoleColor.Black backgroundColor if irc 0 return irc return 0 And then if you want to use Orange..
Highlighting a particular item in a combo box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/856397/highlighting-a-particular-item-in-a-combo-box Template if template null Font font comboBox1.Font Brush backgroundColor Brush textColor if e.State DrawItemState.Selected DrawItemState.Selected.. if e.State DrawItemState.Selected DrawItemState.Selected backgroundColor SystemBrushes.Highlight textColor SystemBrushes.HighlightText.. textColor SystemBrushes.HighlightText else backgroundColor SystemBrushes.Window textColor SystemBrushes.WindowText if..