

c# Programming Glossary: backgroundworker1.reportprogress

C# Winform ProgressBar and BackgroundWorker


e if f null f new ProgressForm f.ShowDialog backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress 100 MyClass.LongOperation f.Close private void btnStart_Click.. the way to update the progressBar. Where should I place backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress and how should I call this I must not make any change in MyClass...

c# - getting the same random number repeatedly [duplicate]


a 0 a quantity a myText generateCode codes.Add myText backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress 100 quantity a e.Result codes private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged..

How can we show progress bar with FtpWebRequest


var progress totalReadBytesCount 100.0 inputStream.Length backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress int progress private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged..

how to use a backgroundworker?


e for int i 0 i 100 i Thread.Sleep 1000 backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress i private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged object sender..