android Programming Glossary: verticalseekbar
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? in Android I've implemented the commonly pointed to VerticalSeekBar post here . As it is the SeekBar operates a little quirky. Here.. this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected and is fully functional.. SeekBar has max 20 . However I tried implementing another VerticalSeekBar with max 1000 . Obviously it uses the same code so you'd assume..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically progress correctly etc. I hope it helps you. public class VerticalSeekBar extends SeekBar public VerticalSeekBar Context context super.. you. public class VerticalSeekBar extends SeekBar public VerticalSeekBar Context context super context public VerticalSeekBar Context.. VerticalSeekBar Context context super context public VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android I've implemented the commonly pointed to VerticalSeekBar post here . As it is the SeekBar operates a little quirky. Here is my slightly adapted onTouchEvent from that example public.. this.getBottom this.getTop this.setProgress int 29 yPos this.getBottom return true I've managed to implement one VerticalSeekBar in which the progress updates as expected and is fully functional but the thumb does not follow suit. This is only a graphical.. it for now. But it would be nice to have that working. This SeekBar has max 20 . However I tried implementing another VerticalSeekBar with max 1000 . Obviously it uses the same code so you'd assume the same behavior. I'm only able to achieve a progress of..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically correctly only when the progress changes update draw the progress correctly etc. I hope it helps you. public class VerticalSeekBar extends SeekBar public VerticalSeekBar Context context super context public VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet.. update draw the progress correctly etc. I hope it helps you. public class VerticalSeekBar extends SeekBar public VerticalSeekBar Context context super context public VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs.. it helps you. public class VerticalSeekBar extends SeekBar public VerticalSeekBar Context context super context public VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle public VerticalSeekBar Context context AttributeSet..