android Programming Glossary: versioning
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? . As you can't use onUpgrade you have to manage database versioning by yourself. Using SharedPreferences is a good way for it. You..
Auto Version numbering your Android App using Git and Eclipse hope that someone else will find it useful. android git versioning share improve this question This solution was developed..
Automatically versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio/Gradle versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio Gradle.. Eclipse and Linux. android git gradle android studio auto versioning share improve this question Put the following in your build.gradle..
How to handle application upgrades from free to paid version while preserving any data a different app and just install it in parallel android versioning google play share improve this question My idea is the following..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? At first I thought the crash was being caused by a versioning issue but both adapters now have the same database version and.. found that this works perfectly and does not create the versioning issues that I mentioned earlier. Hope this helps. share improve..
How to include version string in the filename when building Android apk with ant? the custom rules file. I've used this process to automate versioning files from a build server. With some additional tweaks it is..
Auto increment version code in Android app According to http guide publishing versioning.html you have to manually increment your version code in AndroidManifest.xml.. get different versions with the same number and the whole versioning makes little sense. android eclipse build version share improve..
Android App , Check for latest app version or do you have a sample code Thanks java android http versioning share improve this question If it is an application on the..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? database is open like in a constructor of your DatabaseHelper . As you can't use onUpgrade you have to manage database versioning by yourself. Using SharedPreferences is a good way for it. You check if your database exists if it is already copied from..
Auto Version numbering your Android App using Git and Eclipse a pain. So I thought I would publish my solution here in the hope that someone else will find it useful. android git versioning share improve this question This solution was developed on Linux. I'm sure skilled Windows Mac developers can adapt..
Automatically versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio/Gradle versioning Android project from git describe with Android Studio Gradle I have searched extensively but likely due to the newness.. post but with Android Studio Gradle and Windows rather than Eclipse and Linux. android git gradle android studio auto versioning share improve this question Put the following in your build.gradle file for the project. There's no need to modify the..
How to handle application upgrades from free to paid version while preserving any data an application will it think that the premium version is a different app and just install it in parallel android versioning google play share improve this question My idea is the following Paid version's android versionCode should be free's..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? to access the second tble from a different activity my app crashes. At first I thought the crash was being caused by a versioning issue but both adapters now have the same database version and it's still crashing. Here's an example of one of the DB Adapters..
How to include version string in the filename when building Android apk with ant? spots that the apk name is defined just search for .apk in the custom rules file. I've used this process to automate versioning files from a build server. With some additional tweaks it is also possible to have your release app signed automatically..
Auto increment version code in Android app code each time you build an Android application in Eclipse According to http guide publishing versioning.html you have to manually increment your version code in AndroidManifest.xml . I understand you have to run a script before.. this manually but as soon as you forget to do this chore you get different versions with the same number and the whole versioning makes little sense. android eclipse build version share improve this question So I see it like this Depending on article..
Android App , Check for latest app version and notify the user to update. anyone can help me in this or do you have a sample code Thanks java android http versioning share improve this question If it is an application on the Market then on app start up fire an Intent to open up the..