

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:26

android Programming Glossary: subtitle

how to improve action bar


setDisplayShowTitleEnabled Set whether an activity title subtitle should be displayed. setDisplayShowHomeEnabled Set whether to..

JSOUP parsing HTML get class inside class


chord 9742 ungu apa sih maumu kord lirik lagu' div class 'subtitle' Chord Ungu div div class 'title' Apa Sih Maumu div a div div.. 6826 slank boneka tersayang kord lirik lagu' div class 'subtitle' Chord Slank div div class 'title' Boneka Tersayang div a div.. 6751 ari lasso rayuan gombal kord lirik lagu' div class 'subtitle' Chord Ari Lasso div div class 'title' Rayuan Gombal div a div..

Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1


for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 I have been trying.. or player.setDataSource then player.prepare If the subtitle files does not already exists on the android device copy it.. first argument a String that contains the full path of the subtitle file on the device and MediaPlayer.MEDIA_MIMETYPE_TEXT_SUBRIP..

How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android?


to add spinner to subtitle as in the Play Music app for Android Please refer to the attached..

Modifying SimpleCursorAdapter's data


blah blah String columnNames new String start_time title subtitle int resIds new int R.id.start_time_short R.id.title R.id.subtitle.. int resIds new int R.id.start_time_short R.id.title R.id.subtitle adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.guide_list_item..

ActionBar text color


only change the color of the title you can also tweak the subtitle. Here is my styles.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources..

Creating a custom layout for preferences


It has some waste but basically creates 2 lines heading subtitle with an image on the right. You could replace the ImageView..

Android: how to use SectionIndexer


convertView.findViewById R.id.list_header_title holder.subtitle null convertView.setTag holder else convertView mInflater.inflate.. convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_title holder.subtitle TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_subtitle convertView.setTag.. TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_subtitle convertView.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag..

how to improve action bar


.show android share improve this question setDisplayShowTitleEnabled Set whether an activity title subtitle should be displayed. setDisplayShowHomeEnabled Set whether to include the application home affordance in the action bar...

JSOUP parsing HTML get class inside class


div div class 'listitem' a href 'http www.chordfrenzy.com chord 9742 ungu apa sih maumu kord lirik lagu' div class 'subtitle' Chord Ungu div div class 'title' Apa Sih Maumu div a div div class 'listitem' a href 'http www.chordfrenzy.com chord 6826.. div class 'listitem' a href 'http www.chordfrenzy.com chord 6826 slank boneka tersayang kord lirik lagu' div class 'subtitle' Chord Slank div div class 'title' Boneka Tersayang div a div div class 'listitem' a href 'http www.chordfrenzy.com chord.. div class 'listitem' a href 'http www.chordfrenzy.com chord 6751 ari lasso rayuan gombal kord lirik lagu' div class 'subtitle' Chord Ari Lasso div div class 'title' Rayuan Gombal div a div div div div Now i am confuse how can i get each ahref subtitle..

Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1


for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 I have been trying to use an .srt file for a timed text source Only available.. instance and prepare it by either calling MediaPlayer.create or player.setDataSource then player.prepare If the subtitle files does not already exists on the android device copy it from the resource folder to the device Call player.addTimedTextSource.. to the device Call player.addTimedTextSource with the first argument a String that contains the full path of the subtitle file on the device and MediaPlayer.MEDIA_MIMETYPE_TEXT_SUBRIP as the second argument Select the TimedText track by calling..

How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android?


to add spinner to subtitle as in the Play Music app for Android Please refer to the attached image. setListNavigationCallbacks mSpinnerAdapter mNavigationCallback..

Modifying SimpleCursorAdapter's data


the following code Cursor cursor db.rawQuery SELECT blah blah blah String columnNames new String start_time title subtitle int resIds new int R.id.start_time_short R.id.title R.id.subtitle adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.guide_list_item.. blah String columnNames new String start_time title subtitle int resIds new int R.id.start_time_short R.id.title R.id.subtitle adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.guide_list_item cursor columnNames resIds My problem is that the start_time..

ActionBar text color


this question Ok I've found a better way. I'm now able to only change the color of the title you can also tweak the subtitle. Here is my styles.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name MyTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo.Light..

Creating a custom layout for preferences


center_vertical android orientation vertical LinearLayout It has some waste but basically creates 2 lines heading subtitle with an image on the right. You could replace the ImageView with a Button and you'd be all set. You then set the layout..

Android: how to use SectionIndexer


null holder new ViewHolder holder.title TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.list_header_title holder.subtitle null convertView.setTag holder else convertView mInflater.inflate R.layout.row_item_default null holder new ViewHolder.. null holder new ViewHolder holder.title TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_title holder.subtitle TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_subtitle convertView.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag.. TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_title holder.subtitle TextView convertView.findViewById R.id.row_item_subtitle convertView.setTag holder else holder ViewHolder convertView.getTag holder.title.setText item.getTitle if holder.subtitle..