android Programming Glossary: substituted
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments plugin plugins build There are several ways to define the substituted value you can define them in an external properties file with..
java servlet project and android library project in eclipse - NoClassDefFoundError closing this for now. EDIT apparently step 3. can be substituted by creating a hard link from DataServlet WEB INF lib monitoringmodel.jar..
Best way to handle multiple getView calls from inside an Adapter downloaded in background cached and then using a callback substituted in their respective ImageViews . The logic to get a thumbnail..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android this was not needed and the following should have been substituted. The ID was the one corresponding to the contact in the phone..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each ' ' in the where variable. ie. if you had where..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails as I think the orientation also plays a part. Anyway I've substituted your CameraSurfaceView with my own see below and I think it..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView just be ChildViews . I'm thinking those two could just be substituted with the one for SubSubGroup SubSubGroup would allways hold..
Handling the missing MENU button in new versions of Android (3.x and up) a problem with 3.0 because it removed the MENU button and substituted it with the Action Bar. The Action bar is really not suitable..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments filtered res resourceDirectory configuration plugin plugins build There are several ways to define the substituted value you can define them in an external properties file with properties maven plugin. For simplicity I prefer to use Maven..
java servlet project and android library project in eclipse - NoClassDefFoundError was needed any better ideas will be accepted as an answer however closing this for now. EDIT apparently step 3. can be substituted by creating a hard link from DataServlet WEB INF lib monitoringmodel.jar to monitoringmodel.jar still testing this as some..
Best way to handle multiple getView calls from inside an Adapter in this ListView has an icon and some text. These icons are downloaded in background cached and then using a callback substituted in their respective ImageViews . The logic to get a thumbnail from cache or download is triggered every time getView runs...
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android to. Since I was getting the URI from contacts table anyways this was not needed and the following should have been substituted. The ID was the one corresponding to the contact in the phone table not the raw contact. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone._ID..
update sql database with ContentValues and the update-method String String.valueOf id db.update DATABASE_TABLE dataToInsert where whereArgs The Strings in the whereArgs array gets substituted in for each ' ' in the where variable. ie. if you had where name AND type then the first ' ' would get replaced by whereArgs..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails wrong way but its not just a case of switching them around as I think the orientation also plays a part. Anyway I've substituted your CameraSurfaceView with my own see below and I think it works now. There is no exception but the screen is completely..
Multi-layered ExpandableListView except for the last two which will allways just be ChildViews . I'm thinking those two could just be substituted with the one for SubSubGroup SubSubGroup would allways hold ChildViews . My problem is that I think I fail to understand..
Handling the missing MENU button in new versions of Android (3.x and up) easily accessible the options menu . This use of keys became a problem with 3.0 because it removed the MENU button and substituted it with the Action Bar. The Action bar is really not suitable for a game which likes to run full screen so that was a real..