

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:17

android Programming Glossary: stringarray

Different text for each image in image viewpager


R.drawable.c R.drawable.d R.drawable.e private String stringArray new String Image a Image b Image c Image d Image e Then when.. adapter new ImagePagerAdapter this imageArra stringArray In your adapter int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter.. stringArray In your adapter int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra String stringArra..

Infinite Scrolling Image ViewPager


adapter new ImagePagerAdapter this imageArra stringArray ViewPager myPager ViewPager findViewById R.id.myimagepager myPager.setAdapter.. R.drawable.g R.drawable.h R.drawable.i private String stringArray new String Image a Image b Image c Image d Image e Image.. PagerAdapter Activity activity int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra String stringArra..

Array of strings in SharedPreferences


For example if you need to store string array under key stringArray you can save each string from array using putString and keys..

Android: how to use SectionIndexer


ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Is is possible to pass a stringArray instead of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ to the AlphabetIndexer..

Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2


documents type tns uriList part name literalDocs type ns1 stringArray part name connID type xsd long part name gateParams type tns..

Different text for each image in image viewpager


of images.. private int imageArra R.drawable.a R.drawable.b R.drawable.c R.drawable.d R.drawable.e private String stringArray new String Image a Image b Image c Image d Image e Then when instantiating your adapter.. ImagePagerAdapter adapter new.. Image d Image e Then when instantiating your adapter.. ImagePagerAdapter adapter new ImagePagerAdapter this imageArra stringArray In your adapter int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra String stringArra imageArray.. ImagePagerAdapter adapter new ImagePagerAdapter this imageArra stringArray In your adapter int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra String stringArra imageArray imgArra activity act stringArray stringArra..

Infinite Scrolling Image ViewPager


setContentView R.layout.activity_main ImagePagerAdapter adapter new ImagePagerAdapter this imageArra stringArray ViewPager myPager ViewPager findViewById R.id.myimagepager myPager.setAdapter adapter myPager.setCurrentItem 0 private int.. R.drawable.c R.drawable.d R.drawable.e R.drawable.f R.drawable.g R.drawable.h R.drawable.i private String stringArray new String Image a Image b Image c Image d Image e Image f Image g Image h Image i ImagePagerAdapter public class.. Image i ImagePagerAdapter public class ImagePagerAdapter extends PagerAdapter Activity activity int imageArray String stringArray public ImagePagerAdapter Activity act int imgArra String stringArra imageArray imgArra activity act stringArray stringArra..

Array of strings in SharedPreferences


In API Level prior to 11 you can use some kind of hack. For example if you need to store string array under key stringArray you can save each string from array using putString and keys stringArray.1 stringArray.2 so on. share improve this answer..

Android: how to use SectionIndexer


AlphabetIndexer c c.getColumnIndexOrThrow DbHelper.COUNTRIES_NAME ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Is is possible to pass a stringArray instead of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ to the AlphabetIndexer so I can for example instead of A B ... Z as header have Book..

Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2


part name serviceName type xsd string part name documents type tns uriList part name literalDocs type ns1 stringArray part name connID type xsd long part name gateParams type tns gateRuntimeParameterArray part name userCtx type tns userContext..