android Programming Glossary: strike
How to periodically scan for bluetooth devices on android this question I guess this was so simple but didnt strike me before. Here is the answer private BluetoothAdapter mBtAdapter..
Is there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget? there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget I was wondering if there is an.. an app widget I was wondering if there is an easy way to strike text within an app widget in Android. In a normal activity it.. know something about this Thanks android widget textview strikethrough share improve this question To strike through the..
Android: How to use the Html.TagHandler? output XMLReader xmlReader if tag.equalsIgnoreCase strike tag.equals s processStrike opening output private void processStrike..
Specifying “strikethrough” on a section of TextView text &ldquo strikethrough&rdquo on a section of TextView text I have a block of.. surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't.. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't be done this same way. I've seen examples of..
Android MediaController intercepts all other touch events use MediaController. Can you post your layout UPD Actually strike that. I've just taken a look at MediaController code and it..
To draw an Underline below the TextView in Android You can refer constants of Paint class if you want to strike thru the text. 3rd Approach Make use of Html.fromHtml htmlString..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag acronym address cite code del dfn em img q s samp small strike strong sub sup tt var dd dl dt li ol ul fieldset form label..
How to periodically scan for bluetooth devices on android periodically. android bluetooth discovery share improve this question I guess this was so simple but didnt strike me before. Here is the answer private BluetoothAdapter mBtAdapter mBtAdapter.startDiscovery private final BroadcastReceiver..
Is there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget? there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget I was wondering if there is an easy way to strike text within an app widget in Android. In.. there an easy way to strike through text in an app widget I was wondering if there is an easy way to strike text within an app widget in Android. In a normal activity it is pretty easy using textview flags textView.setPaintFlags.. only remoteviews... I do not know if this is possible Anyone know something about this Thanks android widget textview strikethrough share improve this question To strike through the entire text view you can use a specific background image to..
Android: How to use the Html.TagHandler? public void handleTag boolean opening String tag Editable output XMLReader xmlReader if tag.equalsIgnoreCase strike tag.equals s processStrike opening output private void processStrike boolean opening Editable output int len output.length..
Specifying “strikethrough” on a section of TextView text &ldquo strikethrough&rdquo on a section of TextView text I have a block of text coming from a webservice and depending on some tags which.. PageText TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE So to bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't be done this same way. I've seen examples of using Spannable.. bold a word surround it with 's for italics surround with _. But for strikethrough Html.fromHtml does not support the strike tag so it can't be done this same way. I've seen examples of using Spannable to set the styling on one section of text but..
Android MediaController intercepts all other touch events but I'm guessing there's something wrong with the way you use MediaController. Can you post your layout UPD Actually strike that. I've just taken a look at MediaController code and it turns out it creates a new Window for itself. That's why your..
To draw an Underline below the TextView in Android mTextView.setText This text will be underlined You can refer constants of Paint class if you want to strike thru the text. 3rd Approach Make use of Html.fromHtml htmlString String htmlString u This text will be underlined u mTextView.setText..
scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag 0 vertical align top h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p blockquote pre a abbr acronym address cite code del dfn em img q s samp small strike strong sub sup tt var dd dl dt li ol ul fieldset form label legend button table caption tbody tfoot thead tr th td margin..