android Programming Glossary: string.h
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? bit of client server sample code #include stdio.h #include string.h #include unistd.h #include stddef.h #include sys socket.h #include..
How to use NDK in android project? hear we create following code #include jni.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #define DEBUG_TAG MY_NDK_DEMO..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK files are .cpp . In PROJECT_DIR jni hello jni.cpp #include string.h #include jni.h #include android log.h #include iostream #include..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android method call from java to native. native.cpp #include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString.. stuff but I got it working with next code for c #include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg ffmpeg C Code #include assert.h #include jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #include libavcodec avcodec.h #include..
Android std and stl support phone. It is working. The code is is a .cpp file #include string.h #include jni.h extern C JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_android_helloworld_HelloworldActivity_invokeNativeFunction..
Include Boost C++ library in android And finally here is my ndkfoo.cpp file #include string.h #include jni.h #include stdio.h #include boost date_time.hpp..
access (faster polling) accelerometer via NativeActivity NDK based on sensor.h and looper.h #include jni.h #include string.h #include android sensor.h #include android log.h #include android..
Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script functions in Unity. Here is my lib #include jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_blahy extern C..
Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory or directory Here is my cpp file #include jni.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #include iostream #define..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? INTERNET permission. Not sure about that. Here's a quick bit of client server sample code #include stdio.h #include string.h #include unistd.h #include stddef.h #include sys socket.h #include sys un.h Create a UNIX domain socket address in the Linux..
How to use NDK in android project? which you want to call from your android code from your Activity hear we create following code #include jni.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #define DEBUG_TAG MY_NDK_DEMO jstring Java_com_myNDKDemo_MainActivity_getString..
Can't include C++ headers like vector in Android NDK Nothing special here but make sure your files are .cpp . In PROJECT_DIR jni hello jni.cpp #include string.h #include jni.h #include android log.h #include iostream #include vector #define LOG_TAG hellojni #define LOGI ... __android_log_print..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android messageMe method from native code in the process of getJniString method call from java to native. native.cpp #include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString JNIEnv env jobject obj jint depth JavaVM.. messed it up with c to c conversion basically env variable stuff but I got it working with next code for c #include string.h #include stdio.h #include jni.h jstring Java_the_package_MainActivity_getJniString JNIEnv env jobject obj jstring jstr env..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg swscale System.loadLibrary avfilter System.loadLibrary ffmpeg C Code #include assert.h #include jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #include libavcodec avcodec.h #include libavformat avformat.h #define DEBUG_TAG ROHAUPT void Java_com_rohaupt_RRD2_player_createEngine..
Android std and stl support . I compiled and launched the hello world jni sample on my phone. It is working. The code is is a .cpp file #include string.h #include jni.h extern C JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_android_helloworld_HelloworldActivity_invokeNativeFunction JNIEnv..
Include Boost C++ library in android # or APP_STL stlport_static as required APP_CPPFLAGS fexceptions And finally here is my ndkfoo.cpp file #include string.h #include jni.h #include stdio.h #include boost date_time.hpp using namespace boost gregorian void Java_com_ndkfoo_NdkfooActivity_invokeNativeFunction..
access (faster polling) accelerometer via NativeActivity NDK with NDK by generating .c files that i try to make based on sensor.h and looper.h #include jni.h #include string.h #include android sensor.h #include android log.h #include android looper.h #define TAG accelerondk #define LOGI ... __android_log_print..
Calling Android NDK function from Unity Script library file works out... now the issue is calling these C functions in Unity. Here is my lib #include jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_blahy extern C jstring Java_com_blah_blah_getURL JNIEnv env jobject this void..
Android ndk-build iostream: No such file or directory with #include jni native.cpp 5 20 error iostream No such file or directory Here is my cpp file #include jni.h #include string.h #include stdio.h #include android log.h #include iostream #define DEBUG_TAG NDK_SampleActivity #define LOG_TAG hellojni..