

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:15

android Programming Glossary: stretchmode

android gridview crashes on Galaxy 3


10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center If anyone has any idea what..

Android gridview keep item selected


android gravity center android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth GridView LinearLayout list_item_icon_text xml version..

java.lang.illegalstateexception could not find a method (view) in the activity class android fragment


horizontalSpacing 10dp android columnWidth 90dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center ImageView android id @ id..

Gridview with two columns and auto resized images


android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and here is the item xml.. verticalSpacing 0dp android horizontalSpacing 0dp android stretchMode columnWidth android numColumns 2 FrameLayout Make a custom..

Making the gridView center in Android


gravity center_horizontal android numColumns 2 android stretchMode none RelativeLayout I have been breaking my head on how to make..

DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously)


7dp android horizontalSpacing 7dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center style @style GridViewStyle..

EditText in GridView : How to get value from Multiple EditText


@drawable list_view_selector android numColumns 3 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 10dp GridView android listSelector..

A grid layout of icon/text buttons


10dp android numColumns 3 android columnWidth 60dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and then in your activity..

GridView inside Expandable list in android


10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center LinearLayout android gridview..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center android layout_gravity bottom..

How can I dynamically add images to a GridView?


verticalSpacing 2dp android horizontalSpacing 2dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center LinearLayout LinearLayout..

Gridview height gets cut


isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp My items resource xml.. isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp Lastly you just need..

Android gridview adjusting to screen size


layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 3 android stretchMode columnWidth android layout_below @ id text1view android gravity..

Need to create Footer for Gridview in Android


horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 10dp Button android id @.. horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 10dp android cacheColorHint..

android gridview crashes on Galaxy 3


columnWidth 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center If anyone has any idea what I might be doing wrong here I will be forever grateful EDIT..

Android gridview keep item selected


android layout_height fill_parent android columnWidth 50dp android gravity center android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth GridView LinearLayout list_item_icon_text xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http schemas.android.com..

java.lang.illegalstateexception could not find a method (view) in the activity class android fragment


numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android columnWidth 90dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center ImageView android id @ id gifViewer android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height..

Gridview with two columns and auto resized images


layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 2 android columnWidth 200dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and here is the item xml file which represents each item itself. xml version 1.0 encoding.. match_parent android layout_height match_parent android verticalSpacing 0dp android horizontalSpacing 0dp android stretchMode columnWidth android numColumns 2 FrameLayout Make a custom ImageView that maintains its aspect ratio public class SquareImageView..

Making the gridView center in Android


center_horizontal android layout_centerInParent true android gravity center_horizontal android numColumns 2 android stretchMode none RelativeLayout I have been breaking my head on how to make the gridView center horizonal and vertical. I have also..

DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously)


fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android verticalSpacing 7dp android horizontalSpacing 7dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center style @style GridViewStyle LinearLayout ListView android id @ id left_drawer android..

EditText in GridView : How to get value from Multiple EditText


true android horizontalSpacing 10dp android listSelector @drawable list_view_selector android numColumns 3 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 10dp GridView android listSelector @drawable list_view_selector is not affecting and..

A grid layout of icon/text buttons


10dp android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns 3 android columnWidth 60dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center and then in your activity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

GridView inside Expandable list in android


columnWidth 50dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center LinearLayout android gridview view adapter expandablelistview share improve this question..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


columnWidth 90dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 10dp android horizontalSpacing 10dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center android layout_gravity bottom android layout_marginTop 50dp GridView FrameLayout Activity..

How can I dynamically add images to a GridView?


columnWidth 150dp android numColumns auto_fit android verticalSpacing 2dp android horizontalSpacing 2dp android stretchMode columnWidth android gravity center LinearLayout LinearLayout How should I approach this java android android image android..

Gridview height gets cut


android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp My items resource xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http.. android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp Lastly you just need to ask it to expand mAppsGrid ExpandableHeightGridView findViewById..

Android gridview adjusting to screen size


id @ id gridview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android numColumns 3 android stretchMode columnWidth android layout_below @ id text1view android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 10dip android background..

Need to create Footer for Gridview in Android


android columnWidth 90dp android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 10dp Button android id @ id button1 android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height.. android columnWidth 90dp android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 10dp android numColumns auto_fit android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 10dp android cacheColorHint #ffffffff android layout_width match_parent android layout_above..