

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:16

android Programming Glossary: string.valueof

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView


COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION.. COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION..

bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android


Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 imageCache.put String.valueOf LandscapeChartActivity.getActiveFeature new SoftReference bitmap.. null for int i 0 i imageCache.size i if imageCache.get String.valueOf i null imageCache.get String.valueOf i .get .recycle imageCache.put.. i if imageCache.get String.valueOf i null imageCache.get String.valueOf i .get .recycle imageCache.put String.valueOf i null Runtime.getRuntime..

Writing XML on Android


serializer.startTag messages serializer.attribute number String.valueOf messages.size for Message msg messages serializer.startTag message..

How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android?


if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair lon String.valueOf lon.. String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair lon String.valueOf lon if address null address.getPostalCode null params.add new..

Android and MJPEG


if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis..

Android get width returns 0


30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


center mult radius 270 strWhere WHERE COL_X String.valueOf p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf.. 270 strWhere WHERE COL_X String.valueOf p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf.. p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that..

Android: On EditText Changed Listener


public void afterTextChanged Editable s i tv.setText String.valueOf i String.valueOf charCounts public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence.. Editable s i tv.setText String.valueOf i String.valueOf charCounts public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int..

How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones


data.get i str data.get i mText.setText results String.valueOf data.size public void onPartialResults Bundle partialResults..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


it here. if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg .getPath I have three variables..

How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net?


compress text for byte character compressed Log.d test String.valueOf character String decompressed decompress compressed Log.d test..

How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android?


long contactId cursor.getLong 3 String contactId_string String.valueOf contactId long timestamp cursor.getLong 4 String body cursor.getString..

SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView


ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder else group cursor Uri.. String sortOrder ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME COLLATE LOCALIZED ASC String selectionArgs new String String.valueOf id cl new CursorLoader getActivity contactsUri CONTACTS_PROJECTION selection selectionArgs sortOrder else group cursor Uri..

bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android


Bitmap.createBitmap ChartProperties.getChartWidth ChartProperties.getChartHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 imageCache.put String.valueOf LandscapeChartActivity.getActiveFeature new SoftReference bitmap if imageCache null for int i 0 i imageCache.size i if.. new SoftReference bitmap if imageCache null for int i 0 i imageCache.size i if imageCache.get String.valueOf i null imageCache.get String.valueOf i .get .recycle imageCache.put String.valueOf i null Runtime.getRuntime .gc `enter.. bitmap if imageCache null for int i 0 i imageCache.size i if imageCache.get String.valueOf i null imageCache.get String.valueOf i .get .recycle imageCache.put String.valueOf i null Runtime.getRuntime .gc `enter code here` imageCache.clear imageCache..

Writing XML on Android


writer serializer.startDocument UTF 8 true serializer.startTag messages serializer.attribute number String.valueOf messages.size for Message msg messages serializer.startTag message serializer.attribute date msg.getDate serializer.startTag..

How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android?


url List NameValuePair params new LinkedList NameValuePair if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair lon String.valueOf lon if address null address.getPostalCode null params.add new.. if lat 0.0 lon 0.0 params.add new BasicNameValuePair lat String.valueOf lat params.add new BasicNameValuePair lon String.valueOf lon if address null address.getPostalCode null params.add new BasicNameValuePair postalCode address.getPostalCode if address..

Android and MJPEG


ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException..

Android get width returns 0


LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L ra.setRepeatMode..

Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude)


center mult radius 180 PointF p4 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 270 strWhere WHERE COL_X String.valueOf p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that.. 180 PointF p4 calculateDerivedPosition center mult radius 270 strWhere WHERE COL_X String.valueOf p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that are near your central point.. center mult radius 270 strWhere WHERE COL_X String.valueOf p3.x AND COL_X String.valueOf p1.x AND COL_Y String.valueOf p2.y AND COL_Y String.valueOf p4.y So you have some data that are near your central point with a good approximation. 2 Now..

Android: On EditText Changed Listener


textMessage.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher public void afterTextChanged Editable s i tv.setText String.valueOf i String.valueOf charCounts public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void onTextChanged.. new TextWatcher public void afterTextChanged Editable s i tv.setText String.valueOf i String.valueOf charCounts public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence s int start int count int after public void onTextChanged CharSequence..

How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones


for int i 0 i data.size i Log.d TAG result data.get i str data.get i mText.setText results String.valueOf data.size public void onPartialResults Bundle partialResults Log.d TAG onPartialResults public void onEvent int eventType..

Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken


.labelRes If this does not exist we can create it here. if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg .getPath I have three variables in my Activity that store information for me about a current..

How can I Zip and Unzip a string using GZIPOutputStream that is compatible with .Net?


And a test final String text hello try byte compressed compress text for byte character compressed Log.d test String.valueOf character String decompressed decompress compressed Log.d test decompressed catch IOException e e.printStackTrace Update..

How can I read SMS messages from the inbox programmatically in Android?


cursor.getLong 1 String address cursor.getString 2 long contactId cursor.getLong 3 String contactId_string String.valueOf contactId long timestamp cursor.getLong 4 String body cursor.getString 5 if unreadOnly count 0 SmsMmsMessage..