android Programming Glossary: string.class
Android : Search from Large Arraylist ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.containsString a This will return a complete filtered.. ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.anyOf Matchers.containsString a Matchers.containsString..
Cannot serialize issue in KSOAP in android usrid.setName LoginID usrid.setValue sting usrid.setType String.class authentication.addProperty usrid PropertyInfo pass new PropertyInfo.. pass.setName Password pass.setValue string pass.setType String.class authentication.addProperty pass request.addSoapObject authentication.. new PropertyInfo no.setName No no.setValue no no.setType String.class authentication.addProperty no request.addProperty Str nos SoapSerializationEnvelope..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges Class Uri.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class String.class Class uninstalltypes new Class String.class IPackageInstallObserver.class.. int.class String.class Class uninstalltypes new Class String.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class method pm.getClass .getMethod.. Class Uri.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class String.class Class uninstalltypes new Class String.class IPackageDeleteObserver.class..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) stringToGsm7BitPacked new Class String.class stringToGsm7BitPacked.setAccessible true byte bodybytes byte..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android PropertyInfo req new PropertyInfo hello req.type String.class req.setValue hello username username password.. xmlstring req.namespace NAMESPACE req.type String.class req.setValue hello username username password..
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? xmlstring req.namespace NAMESPACE req.type String.class req.setValue ........ MY Data....... without these `tags soapenv..
Getting installed app size pm.getClass .getMethod getPackageSizeInfo String.class IPackageStatsObserver.class getPackageSizeInfo.invoke pm
Reflection to access advanced telephony features getDefaults 29 serviceManagerClass.getMethod getService String.class Method tempInterfaceMethod serviceManagerNativeClass.getMethod.. retbinder telephonyCall telephonyClass.getMethod call String.class telephonyEndCall telephonyClass.getMethod endCall telephonyAnswerCall..
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk Method m2 c2.getDeclaredMethod getService String.class IBinder b IBinder m2.invoke null bluetooth Class c3 Class.forName..
What if I want to release an update with higher minSDK than the one on the market? try Class partypes new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir..
How can I get the UUID of my Android phone in an application? android.os.SystemProperties Method get c.getMethod get String.class serial String get.invoke c ro.serialno Log.d ANDROID UUID serial..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility static try Class partypes new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException number 10 .accept MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON .get String.class text strings 0 return result protected void onProgressUpdate..
Android : Search from Large Arraylist a small example for using lambdaj for filtering ArrayList . ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.containsString a This will return a complete filtered ArrayList with which you want to populate your ListView.. Multiple Matchers . Like this you can add Multiple Matchers ArrayList String sortedArrayList select arrList having on String.class Matchers.anyOf Matchers.containsString a Matchers.containsString A UPDATE Even better way is to use filter Matcher matcher..
Cannot serialize issue in KSOAP in android NAMESPACE authentication PropertyInfo usrid new PropertyInfo usrid.setName LoginID usrid.setValue sting usrid.setType String.class authentication.addProperty usrid PropertyInfo pass new PropertyInfo pass.setName Password pass.setValue string pass.setType.. usrid PropertyInfo pass new PropertyInfo pass.setName Password pass.setValue string pass.setType String.class authentication.addProperty pass request.addSoapObject authentication PropertyInfo nos new PropertyInfo no.setName No no.setValue.. pass request.addSoapObject authentication PropertyInfo nos new PropertyInfo no.setName No no.setValue no no.setType String.class authentication.addProperty no request.addProperty Str nos SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope..
uninstall app silently with system priveleges pm context.getPackageManager Class types new Class Uri.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class String.class Class uninstalltypes new Class String.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class method pm.getClass .getMethod installPackage.. Class types new Class Uri.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class String.class Class uninstalltypes new Class String.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class method pm.getClass .getMethod installPackage types uninstallmethod pm.getClass .getMethod.. pm context.getPackageManager Class types new Class Uri.class IPackageInstallObserver.class int.class String.class Class uninstalltypes new Class String.class IPackageDeleteObserver.class int.class method pm.getClass .getMethod installPackage..
Create PDU for Android that works with SmsMessage.createFromPdu() (GSM 3gpp) sReflectedClassName Method stringToGsm7BitPacked cReflectedNFCExtras.getMethod stringToGsm7BitPacked new Class String.class stringToGsm7BitPacked.setAccessible true byte bodybytes byte stringToGsm7BitPacked.invoke null body bo.write bodybytes..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME PropertyInfo req new PropertyInfo hello req.type String.class req.setValue hello username username password test123 password hello request.addProperty req SoapSerializationEnvelope.. Edit Try to change req to PropertyInfo req new PropertyInfo xmlstring req.namespace NAMESPACE req.type String.class req.setValue hello username username password test password hello request.addProperty req ie change
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME PropertyInfo req new PropertyInfo xmlstring req.namespace NAMESPACE req.type String.class req.setValue ........ MY Data....... without these `tags soapenv ` request.addProperty req Element e new Element e.setName..
Getting installed app size getPackageSize PackageManager pm getPackageManager Method getPackageSizeInfo pm.getClass .getMethod getPackageSizeInfo String.class IPackageStatsObserver.class getPackageSizeInfo.invoke pm new IPackageStatsObserver.Stub @Override public..
Reflection to access advanced telephony features Class.forName serviceManagerNativeName Method getService getDefaults 29 serviceManagerClass.getMethod getService String.class Method tempInterfaceMethod serviceManagerNativeClass.getMethod asInterface IBinder.class this does not work serviceManagerObject.. telephonyObject serviceMethod .invoke null new Object retbinder telephonyCall telephonyClass.getMethod call String.class telephonyEndCall telephonyClass.getMethod endCall telephonyAnswerCall telephonyClass.getMethod answerRingingCall telephonyCall.invoke..
How to unpair bluetooth device using android 2.1 sdk IBluetooth ibt null try Class c2 Class.forName android.os.ServiceManager Method m2 c2.getDeclaredMethod getService String.class IBinder b IBinder m2.invoke null bluetooth Class c3 Class.forName android.bluetooth.IBluetooth Class s2 c3.getDeclaredClasses..
What if I want to release an update with higher minSDK than the one on the market? some reflection to enable this public static Method getExternalFilesDir try Class partypes new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir..
How can I get the UUID of my Android phone in an application? in the emulator. Here is the code Class c try c Class.forName android.os.SystemProperties Method get c.getMethod get String.class serial String get.invoke c ro.serialno Log.d ANDROID UUID serial catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Does anybody know why..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility i.e. one time setup public static Method getExternalFilesDir static try Class partypes new Class 1 partypes 0 String.class getExternalFilesDir Context.class.getMethod getExternalFilesDir partypes catch NoSuchMethodException e Log.e TAG getExternalFilesDir..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException 8080 MazeService rest service hello String result wbr.queryParam number 10 .accept MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON .get String.class text strings 0 return result protected void onProgressUpdate Integer... progress setProgressPercent progress 0 protected..