android Programming Glossary: string.format
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) try format the commandline parameter CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS 2 String.format pm grant s android.permission.READ_LOGS pname java.lang.Process..
Javamail api in android using XOauth host port userEmail emptyPassword byte response String.format user s 1auth Bearer s 1 1 userEmail oauthToken .getBytes response..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds public void onTick long millisUntilFinished _tv.setText String.format d min d sec TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished.. is the java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class _tv.setText String.format d min d sec TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache deletedFiles catch Exception e Log.e TAG String.format Failed to clean the cache error s e.getMessage return deletedFiles.. final Context context final int numDays Log.i TAG String.format Starting cache prune deleting files older than d days numDays.. clearCacheFolder context.getCacheDir numDays Log.i TAG String.format Cache pruning completed d files deleted numDeletedFiles Hopefully..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder less than 10 files you might have more String fn String.format d.db i if Arrays.binarySearch Files fn 0 No such file in assets..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android data String cols StringUtils.join columns db.execSQL String.format INSERT INTO s s SELECT s from temp_ s TableName cols cols..
Android timer? How? int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting.. int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text3.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds h2.postDelayed this 500 tells handler.. int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text2.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds Timer timer new Timer @Override public..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” put this in run after progress.setProgress pos String time String.format d d TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes pos TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application litestcalback static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL String.format s s OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST static final String..
How to get IP address of the device? for int idx 0 idx mac.length idx buf.append String.format 02X mac idx if buf.length 0 buf.deleteCharAt buf.length 1 ..
How to convert a color integer to a hex String in Android?
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() someText 0 someText.length bounds Log.d Test String.format Size f measureText f getTextBounds d f p.measureText someText.. float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString ..
Detect wifi IP address on Android? int ip wifiInfo.getIpAddress String ipString String.format d. d. d. d ip 0xff ip 8 0xff ip 16 0xff ip 24 0xff return ipString..
READ_LOGS permission on Jelly Bean (api 16) 16 Log.d TAG Working around JellyBeans 'feature'... try format the commandline parameter CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS 2 String.format pm grant s android.permission.READ_LOGS pname java.lang.Process p Runtime.getRuntime .exec CMDLINE_GRANTPERMS int res p.waitFor..
Javamail api in android using XOauth to do AUTH LOGIN. final String emptyPassword null transport.connect host port userEmail emptyPassword byte response String.format user s 1auth Bearer s 1 1 userEmail oauthToken .getBytes response BASE64EncoderStream.encode response transport.issueCommand..
Countdowntimer in minutes and seconds new CountDownTimer 30000 1000 adjust the milli seconds here public void onTick long millisUntilFinished _tv.setText String.format d min d sec TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds millisUntilFinished TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds.. void onFinish _tv.setText done .start Since java 1.5 there is the java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit class _tv.setText String.format d min d sec TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes millisUntilFinished TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds millisUntilFinished TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds..
Android Webview - Completely Clear the Cache new Date .getTime numDays DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS if child.delete deletedFiles catch Exception e Log.e TAG String.format Failed to clean the cache error s e.getMessage return deletedFiles Delete the files older than numDays days from the application.. application cache 0 means all files. public static void clearCache final Context context final int numDays Log.i TAG String.format Starting cache prune deleting files older than d days numDays int numDeletedFiles clearCacheFolder context.getCacheDir numDays..
Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder Files am.list Arrays.sort Files for i 1 i 10 i I have definitely less than 10 files you might have more String fn String.format d.db i if Arrays.binarySearch Files fn 0 No such file in assets time to quit the loop break InputStream is fn while..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android table columns.retainAll DBUtils.GetColumns db TableName restore data String cols StringUtils.join columns db.execSQL String.format INSERT INTO s s SELECT s from temp_ s TableName cols cols TableName remove backup table DROP table 'temp_ TableName setTransactionSuccessful..
Android timer? How? System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable.. System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text3.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds h2.postDelayed this 500 tells handler to send a message class firstTask extends TimerTask @Override.. starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text2.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds Timer timer new Timer @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” in the layout get it with findViewById in onCreate and put this in run after progress.setProgress pos String time String.format d d TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes pos TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds pos TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes..
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application x oauthflow linkedin static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST litestcalback static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL String.format s s OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST static final String OAUTH_QUERY_TOKEN oauth_token static final String OAUTH_QUERY_VERIFIER..
How to get IP address of the device? if mac null return StringBuilder buf new StringBuilder for int idx 0 idx mac.length idx buf.append String.format 02X mac idx if buf.length 0 buf.deleteCharAt buf.length 1 return buf.toString catch Exception ex for now eat exceptions..
How to convert a color integer to a hex String in Android?
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() bounds new Rect for float f 10 f 40 f 1f p.setTextSize f p.getTextBounds someText 0 someText.length bounds Log.d Test String.format Size f measureText f getTextBounds d f p.measureText someText bounds.width The output shows that the difference not only.. new Rect p.setTextSize 60 p.getTextBounds s 0 s.length bounds float mt p.measureText s int bw bounds.width Log.i LCG String.format measureText f getTextBounds d s mt bw bounds.toShortString bounds.offset 0 p.setStyle Style.STROKE canvas.drawColor..
Detect wifi IP address on Android? WIFI_SERVICE WifiInfo wifiInfo wifiManager.getConnectionInfo int ip wifiInfo.getIpAddress String ipString String.format d. d. d. d ip 0xff ip 8 0xff ip 16 0xff ip 24 0xff return ipString Please Note You need to add android.permission.INTERNET..