

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:14

android Programming Glossary: streamvolume

Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager


this obj return. if mAvailibleSounds.contains index int streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC int.. int soundId mSoundPool.play mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f mKillSoundQueue.add soundId schedule the.. mSoundPool.play mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f mKillSoundQueue.add soundId schedule the current sound..

Playing sounds simultaneously Android


mContext SoundID 1 public void playSound int index float streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume.. mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING.. AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING mSoundPool.play..

android soundpool heapsize overflow


context .getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE final int streamVolume audioManager.getStreamVolume android.media.AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC.. soundPool int sampleId int status soundPool.play sampleId streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f try this.size.incrementAndGet soundPool.load.. sampleId int status soundPool.play sampleId streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f try this.size.incrementAndGet soundPool.load context.getAssets..

How to properly use SoundPool on a game?


the following code inside the game loop mSoundPool.play id streamVolume streamVolume 1 loop 1f My questions are Should I call play on.. code inside the game loop mSoundPool.play id streamVolume streamVolume 1 loop 1f My questions are Should I call play on another thread..

Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager


1 public void playSound int index dont have a sound for this obj return. if mAvailibleSounds.contains index int streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC int soundId mSoundPool.play mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume.. mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC int soundId mSoundPool.play mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f mKillSoundQueue.add soundId schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds mHandler.postDelayed.. AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC int soundId mSoundPool.play mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f mKillSoundQueue.add soundId schedule the current sound to stop after set milliseconds mHandler.postDelayed new Runnable..

Playing sounds simultaneously Android


int index int SoundID mSoundPoolMap.put index mSoundPool.load mContext SoundID 1 public void playSound int index float streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING.. SoundID 1 public void playSound int index float streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING mSoundPool.play Integer mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume.. public void playSound int index float streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING streamVolume streamVolume mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume AudioManager.STREAM_RING mSoundPool.play Integer mSoundPoolMap.get index streamVolume streamVolume..

android soundpool heapsize overflow


audioManager android.media.AudioManager context .getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE final int streamVolume audioManager.getStreamVolume android.media.AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC Integer soundId soundMap.get id if soundId null soundPool.setOnLoadCompleteListener.. @Override public void onLoadComplete SoundPool soundPool int sampleId int status soundPool.play sampleId streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f try this.size.incrementAndGet soundPool.load context.getAssets .openFd file 1 catch IOException e.. @Override public void onLoadComplete SoundPool soundPool int sampleId int status soundPool.play sampleId streamVolume streamVolume 1 0 1f try this.size.incrementAndGet soundPool.load context.getAssets .openFd file 1 catch IOException e this.size.decrementAndGet..

How to properly use SoundPool on a game?


context R.raw.shot 1 To play the sound I use the following code inside the game loop mSoundPool.play id streamVolume streamVolume 1 loop 1f My questions are Should I call play on another thread outside the game loop Should I call play through.. context R.raw.shot 1 To play the sound I use the following code inside the game loop mSoundPool.play id streamVolume streamVolume 1 loop 1f My questions are Should I call play on another thread outside the game loop Should I call play through a service..