

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:14

android Programming Glossary: stream.read

Android: How to create video player?


fileTemp byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead stream.read buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true..

Android get vCard data from Intent


fileContent new StringBuffer int ch try while ch stream.read 1 fileContent.append char ch catch IOException e TODO Auto generated..

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile try numread stream.read buf catch IOException e Log.d Downloadingfile Bad read. Let's..

android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2


int totalBytesRead 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread stream.read buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead..

Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service


InputStreamReader stream while offset data.length numRead stream.read data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine..

how retrieve metadata from shoutcast on android?


strHeaders new StringBuilder char c while c char stream.read 1 strHeaders.append c if strHeaders.length 5 strHeaders.substring.. be either at the beginning or right after headers while b stream.read 1 count Length of the metadata if count metaDataOffset 1 metaDataLength..

Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files


InputStream stream connection.getInputStream while read stream.read buffer 1 fos.write buffer 0 read downloaded read publishProgress..

Android: How to create video player?


fileTemp.getAbsolutePath FileOutputStream out new FileOutputStream fileTemp byte buf new byte 128 do int numRead stream.read buf if numRead 0 break out.write buf 0 numRead while true mp.setDataSource tempPath try stream.close catch Exception..

Android get vCard data from Intent


e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace StringBuffer fileContent new StringBuffer int ch try while ch stream.read 1 fileContent.append char ch catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace String data new String..

Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException


bout new BufferedOutputStream new FileOutputStream downloadingMediaFile bufsizeForfile try numread stream.read buf catch IOException e Log.d Downloadingfile Bad read. Let's quit. stop Log.i return2 return2 stopSelf return catch..

android code for streaming shoutcast stream breaks in 2.2


downloadingMediaFile byte buf new byte 16384 int totalBytesRead 0 incrementalBytesRead 0 do int numread stream.read buf if numread 0 break out.write buf 0 numread totalBytesRead numread incrementalBytesRead numread totalKbRead totalBytesRead..

Sending a pdf file to client from server through web service


BufferedReader bufferedReader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader stream while offset data.length numRead stream.read data offset data.length offset 0 offset numRead readLine encoder.encode data while readLine bufferedReader.readLine null..

how retrieve metadata from shoutcast on android?


metaint .get 0 else Headers are sent within a stream StringBuilder strHeaders new StringBuilder char c while c char stream.read 1 strHeaders.append c if strHeaders.length 5 strHeaders.substring strHeaders.length 4 strHeaders.length .equals r n r n.. metaData new StringBuilder Stream position should be either at the beginning or right after headers while b stream.read 1 count Length of the metadata if count metaDataOffset 1 metaDataLength b 16 if count metaDataOffset 1 count metaDataOffset..

Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files


fos new FileOutputStream file Start downloading InputStream stream connection.getInputStream while read stream.read buffer 1 fos.write buffer 0 read downloaded read publishProgress int float downloaded length 100 fos.close return 1..