android Programming Glossary: straightforward
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling whatever scheme you like. The first option is pretty straightforward and described in Implementing Custom URL Schemes . To let the..
Playing youtube video in Android app by getting creative with webviews. I'm hoping it's more straightforward on Android. The docs sure make it sound straight forward. Cheers..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? the code that pulls the data from the server is a fairly straightforward subclass of AsyncTask and it works exactly as I expect it to..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? It sounds simple conceptually but apparently there is no straightforward approach to do this. Can anyone point me to the right solution..
How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android to play a ringtone alarm sound. I could not find a easy straightforward sample. Yes I already looked at Alarm clock source code... but.. already looked at Alarm clock source code... but it is not straightforward and I cannot compile it. I cannot make this work Uri alert RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri..
Vertical line using XML drawable used as a drawable. To make a horizontal one it's pretty straightforward shape xmlns android http apk res android..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? that at least by default the FILTER flag causes it to do a straightforward bilinear interpolation. Check Wikipedia or your favorite graphics..
log4j support in Android it seems the common case at least for libraries that use straightforward log4j features. You don't really need to swap slf4j in for log4j..
overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity way in your app to specify a home app to use it is pretty straightforward to present the user a list of home replacement apps On the first..
Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager? just requires user to press one button. This is all pretty straightforward. Now here is the tricky part After user confirms login OpenID..
Bulk Insertion on Android device into a usable form. Also creation of the datafile is more straightforward and less error prone. Finally having the raw data would allow..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed]
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? WEP WiFi configuration programatically This is pretty much straightforward WifiConfiguration exposes the interface to create the same...
Camera is wrong unless keyboard is open int.class rotateMethod.invoke mCamera 90 This is the most straightforward solution and hopefully as new devices come out v2.1 and below..
Disable LogCat Output COMPLETELY in release Android app? LogCat output before releasing an app to the market is straightforward. I also know how to selectively filter LogCat message by tag..
It is possible to make a horizontal NumberPicker?
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory rooted phone . This is arguably quite small but relatively straightforward as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime..
Android screen sizes in Pixels for ldpi, mdpi, hpdi? and the actual dimensions in pixels Can anybody give a straightforward answer please if there is one I'm basically trying to put together..
Method not found using DigestUtils in Android the accepted answer in favour of @DA25 as his solution is straightforward and the high number of upvotes prove that it works. android..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling URL's with a given scheme. Install a protocol handler to handle whatever scheme you like. The first option is pretty straightforward and described in Implementing Custom URL Schemes . To let the system know that your app can handle a given scheme update..
Playing youtube video in Android app different on physical devices. I got this working well on iOS by getting creative with webviews. I'm hoping it's more straightforward on Android. The docs sure make it sound straight forward. Cheers android android intent youtube android mediaplayer share..
ContentProvider insert() always runs on UI thread? response to user input. I thought this would be pretty simple the code that pulls the data from the server is a fairly straightforward subclass of AsyncTask and it works exactly as I expect it to without hanging the UI thread. I implemented callback functionality..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? the first item was reached the last begins .. 2 1 n n 1 .. It sounds simple conceptually but apparently there is no straightforward approach to do this. Can anyone point me to the right solution Thank you I have already received an answer from Streets..
How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android a ringtone alarm sound in android. I press a button and I want to play a ringtone alarm sound. I could not find a easy straightforward sample. Yes I already looked at Alarm clock source code... but it is not straightforward and I cannot compile it. I cannot.. I could not find a easy straightforward sample. Yes I already looked at Alarm clock source code... but it is not straightforward and I cannot compile it. I cannot make this work Uri alert RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri RingtoneManager.TYPE_ALARM mMediaPlayer..
Vertical line using XML drawable to figure out how to define a vertical line 1dp thick to be used as a drawable. To make a horizontal one it's pretty straightforward shape xmlns android http apk res android android shape line stroke android width 1dp android color #0000FF..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? A quick dig through the SKIA source code indicates that at least by default the FILTER flag causes it to do a straightforward bilinear interpolation. Check Wikipedia or your favorite graphics reference to see what the expected consequences are. Traditionally..
log4j support in Android slf4j turned out a remarkably painless process for me and it seems the common case at least for libraries that use straightforward log4j features. You don't really need to swap slf4j in for log4j only add two slf4j libraries to your project from http..
overriding the Home Key Long press in a category.HOME activity app Look at the sample home app in the SDK samples Allow a way in your app to specify a home app to use it is pretty straightforward to present the user a list of home replacement apps On the first press of the home button start a timer. If the timer times..
Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager? usually already has username pass remembered so this step just requires user to press one button. This is all pretty straightforward. Now here is the tricky part After user confirms login OpenID redirects back to our GAE return url you need to provide this..
Bulk Insertion on Android device your datafile is still usable or at least easily processable into a usable form. Also creation of the datafile is more straightforward and less error prone. Finally having the raw data would allow import into other data store formats. In any case you should..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed]
How to programatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? wifi share improve this question Part 1 Creating a WEP WiFi configuration programatically This is pretty much straightforward WifiConfiguration exposes the interface to create the same. Here is the sample code void saveWepConfig WifiManager wifi..
Camera is wrong unless keyboard is open
Disable LogCat Output COMPLETELY in release Android app? COMPLETELY in release Android app Shutting off my own app's LogCat output before releasing an app to the market is straightforward. I also know how to selectively filter LogCat message by tag and or id for my own debug convenience. But now I am interested..
It is possible to make a horizontal NumberPicker?
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory of Java heap space or you might find any random value on a rooted phone . This is arguably quite small but relatively straightforward as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory..
Android screen sizes in Pixels for ldpi, mdpi, hpdi? yet still cant find any relation between ldpi mdpi hdpi and the actual dimensions in pixels Can anybody give a straightforward answer please if there is one I'm basically trying to put together a splash screen that needs to work on multiple devices..
Method not found using DigestUtils in Android you. UPDATE As this is a very active question I've changed the accepted answer in favour of @DA25 as his solution is straightforward and the high number of upvotes prove that it works. android apache encryption sha digest share improve this question..