

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:25:14

android Programming Glossary: strcat

Concatenate Strings on C/C++


How do I concatenate Strings with C C I tried the following ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString.. Strings with C C I tried the following ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow.. ways PS errorInfo is a char I should return it. errorInfo strcat Workflow strcat workflowToString workflow .utf8 strcat ERROR errorCode.utf8 sprintf errorInfo Workflow s ERROR s workflowToString workflow .utf8 errorCode.utf8 errorInfo Workflow..