android Programming Glossary: specification
How should I do to start SmartWatch Extension from the program code? is also a reference of this in chapter 6.1 in the API specification of the SDK . Intent intent new Intent Control.Intents.CONTROL_START_REQUEST_INTENT..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy you may need to be more specific. I'm not sure what the specification would be however. When you instantiate your webview there are..
AES algo - Decryption Issue ivspec new IvParameterSpec iv Accion SecretKey parameter specification for an initialization vector encryptionCipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE.. ivspec new IvParameterSpec iv Accion SecretKey parameter specification for an initialization vector decryptionCipher.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE..
Why my opengl output differs for various devices? the buffers whereas Mali does not. From the Khronos EGL specification EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR Specifies the effect on the color buffer of..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] It's pretty interesting in that it doesn't follow the specification. The profile is supposed to be before the number. It is also..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? the W3C created media queries as part of the CSS3 specification improving upon the promise of media types. A media query allows..
Java MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application/octet-stream on Android emulator instance. To solve... MimetypesFileTypeMap mimetypes specification format # comments start with hash marks # format is mime type..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button facebook like functionality in Android WebView project specification does not allow browser opening or any out of application activity..
Android NDK Debugging for what lines to break on and in what file is there a specification somewhere If so also how do you give this debugger that information.. improve this question Specifically addressing is there a specification somewhere ndk gdb is basically traditional GDB that talks to..
Webintent email in phonegap-android? phone gap framework for developing android application my specification is to send a email message for that I use web intent plugin..
How to get the screen size of the device? inches and the HD have 480 x 800 pixels 4.3 inches screen specification. I run the code that is accepted as answer from this thread..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) Those phones are bound to have the required TS 27.007 specification implemented in their baseband processor firmware. When it comes..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table?
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? suite to ensure that a build complies with the Android specification. Dalvik the source code for the implementation of the Dalvik.. source code such as the Android hardware abstraction layer specification and implementation. This folder also contains the reference..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? documentation Prioritized sequence of one or more specification versions accepted by client with preferred versions listed first... contain an allowed section name as specified by each OWS specification. See Sections parameter subclause for more information. documentation..
1x1 Android Widget shows as 2x2 widget on WXGA720 screen pixels xhdpi 320 DPI 72 320 160 144 x 144 pixels My widget specification appwidget provider xmlns android http apk..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? table is I'd like to direct your attention to the JNI Specification sections titled Accessing Java Objects and the following section..
Is it legal to call the start method twice on the same Thread? share improve this question From the Java API Specification for the Thread.start method It is never legal to start a thread..
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances ACTION_WIDGET_CLICKED The line below is the appWidgetId Specification myIntent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID appWidgetId..
Cannot refer to a non-final variable i inside an inner class defined in a different method COOL From section 8.1.3 of the Java Language Specification Any local variable formal method parameter or exception handler..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) Samsung has not implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical Specification to interact with it in its BB firmware. OTA access to external.. they have not implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical Specification that allows the application processor to send APDUs directly..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? simpleType name VersionType annotation documentation Specification version for OWS operation. The string value shall contain one.. exceed 99. Each version shall be for the Implementation Specification document and the associated XML Schemas to which requested operations.. which requested operations will conform. An Implementation Specification version normally specifies XML Schemas against which an XML..
How should I do to start SmartWatch Extension from the program code? intent as defined in the SDK utility classes. There is also a reference of this in chapter 6.1 in the API specification of the SDK . Intent intent new Intent Control.Intents.CONTROL_START_REQUEST_INTENT intent.putExtra Control.Intents.EXTRA_AEA_PACKAGE_NAME..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy to everything appears to work the best. With a larger DOM tree you may need to be more specific. I'm not sure what the specification would be however. When you instantiate your webview there are some settings you'll want to set @Override public void onCreate..
AES algo - Decryption Issue CIPHER_ALGORITHM byte iv generateIv IvParameterSpec ivspec new IvParameterSpec iv Accion SecretKey parameter specification for an initialization vector encryptionCipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secret ivspec Realizamos el cifrado encryptedText.. CIPHER_ALGORITHM byte iv generateIv IvParameterSpec ivspec new IvParameterSpec iv Accion SecretKey parameter specification for an initialization vector decryptionCipher.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE secret ivspec Realizamos el descifrado byte decryptedText..
Why my opengl output differs for various devices? that as an immediate based renderer it defaults to preserving the buffers whereas Mali does not. From the Khronos EGL specification EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR Specifies the effect on the color buffer of posting a surface with eglSwapBuffers. A value of EGL_BUFFER_PRESERVED..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] the version as retrieved by gl.glGetString GL10.GL_VERSION It's pretty interesting in that it doesn't follow the specification. The profile is supposed to be before the number. It is also needed to determine capabilities. For example the Droid doesn't..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? A List Apart Article Responsive Web Design notes that Thankfully the W3C created media queries as part of the CSS3 specification improving upon the promise of media types. A media query allows us to target not only certain device classes but to actually..
Java MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application/octet-stream on Android emulator and have not added any entries to your MimetypesFileTypeMap instance. To solve... MimetypesFileTypeMap mimetypes specification format # comments start with hash marks # format is mime type space separated file extensions # for example for an image..
Android WebView for Facebook Like Button WebView for Facebook Like Button I'm trying to make facebook like functionality in Android WebView project specification does not allow browser opening or any out of application activity . So restrictions are that it has to be done in WebView...
Android NDK Debugging the ndk gdb executable which is provided. If there is a format for what lines to break on and in what file is there a specification somewhere If so also how do you give this debugger that information and through what means I'm clueless in every way as.. Thanks android sdk gdb android ndk gdbserver share improve this question Specifically addressing is there a specification somewhere ndk gdb is basically traditional GDB that talks to NDK applications the GDB documentation at http
Webintent email in phonegap-android? email in phonegap android I use the phone gap framework for developing android application my specification is to send a email message for that I use web intent plugin for sending email in default i can able to specify subject and..
How to get the screen size of the device? size of the device The desire have 480 x 800 pixels 3.7 inches and the HD have 480 x 800 pixels 4.3 inches screen specification. I run the code that is accepted as answer from this thread How to get screen size of device but it is wrong for example..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) Express will also be soon available to integrate into citizy. Those phones are bound to have the required TS 27.007 specification implemented in their baseband processor firmware. When it comes to application processor I do not know if they took the..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table?
How to understand the directory structure of android root tree? in source code files. Cts the compatability tests. The test suite to ensure that a build complies with the Android specification. Dalvik the source code for the implementation of the Dalvik Virtual Machine Development projects related to development.. libraries is also done here. Hardware hardware related source code such as the Android hardware abstraction layer specification and implementation. This folder also contains the reference radio interface layer to communicate with the modem side implementation...
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? AcceptVersionsType is complexType name AcceptVersionsType annotation documentation Prioritized sequence of one or more specification versions accepted by client with preferred versions listed first. See Version negotiation subclause for more information... complete service metadata document. Each Section value shall contain an allowed section name as specified by each OWS specification. See Sections parameter subclause for more information. documentation annotation sequence element name Section type string..
1x1 Android Widget shows as 2x2 widget on WXGA720 screen 72 160 160 72 x 72 pixels hdpi 240 DPI 72 240 160 108 x 108 pixels xhdpi 320 DPI 72 320 160 144 x 144 pixels My widget specification appwidget provider xmlns android http apk res android android minWidth 72dip android minHeight 72dip..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? calls. If you don't understand what the JNI pinned reference table is I'd like to direct your attention to the JNI Specification sections titled Accessing Java Objects and the following section Accessing Primitive Arrays . Finally some snippets of your..
Is it legal to call the start method twice on the same Thread? the user has an unreasonably long wait. java android multithreading share improve this question From the Java API Specification for the Thread.start method It is never legal to start a thread more than once. In particular a thread may not be restarted..
SOLVED: Android Widget - Click for action, update under 30 minutes, separate instances new Intent context ControlloWidget.class myIntent.setAction ACTION_WIDGET_CLICKED The line below is the appWidgetId Specification myIntent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID appWidgetId PendingIntent pendingIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast..
Cannot refer to a non-final variable i inside an inner class defined in a different method public void onClick View v imageView.setVisibility 2 text.setText COOL From section 8.1.3 of the Java Language Specification Any local variable formal method parameter or exception handler parameter used but not declared in an inner class must be..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) BB firmware is propietary and controlled by manufacturers. Samsung has not implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical Specification to interact with it in its BB firmware. OTA access to external SE should be possible this lies in hands of MNOs. Some of.. will just crash with stock phones. The reason is that they have not implemented the 3GPP TS 27.007 Technical Specification that allows the application processor to send APDUs directly to the SIM UICC . However there could be some light ahead of..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? is found ie http ows 1.0.0 owsCommon.xsd simpleType name VersionType annotation documentation Specification version for OWS operation. The string value shall contain one x.y.z version value e.g. 2.1.3 . A version number shall contain.. points in the form x.y.z . The integers y and z shall not exceed 99. Each version shall be for the Implementation Specification document and the associated XML Schemas to which requested operations will conform. An Implementation Specification version.. Specification document and the associated XML Schemas to which requested operations will conform. An Implementation Specification version normally specifies XML Schemas against which an XML encoded operation response must conform and should be validated...