android Programming Glossary: spec.setcontent
start Activity from an other Activity with Tabs mainIntent new Intent this TabMainActivity.class mainspec.setContent mainIntent Tab for Graph TabSpec graphspec tabHost.newTabSpec.. graphIntent new Intent this TabGraphActivity.class graphspec.setContent graphIntent Tab for Option TabSpec optionspec tabHost.newTabSpec.. optionIntent new Intent this TabOptionActivity.class optionspec.setContent optionIntent Adding all TabSpec to TabHost tabHost.addTab mainspec..
Why do I get an error while trying to set the content of a tabspec in android? spec tabHost.newTabSpec controls spec.setIndicator Control spec.setContent R.layout.unit_control tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec.. spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec data spec.setIndicator Data spec.setContent R.layout.unit_data tabHost.addTab spec However when I run the.. spec tabHost.newTabSpec controls spec.setIndicator Control spec.setContent NOTE THE CHANGE tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec..
How to change tab style in Android? txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec .....
Android TabHost - Activities within each tab txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec Maps.. txtTabMap.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabMap spec.setContent spec.setIndicator txtTabMap tabs.addTab spec tabs.setCurrentTab..
Communication between TabActivity and the embedded activity this ChildActivity.class spec m_tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 1 spec.setContent intent tabView TextView inflater.inflate R.layout.tab_indicator..
Custom tabs in android [closed] int layout TabHost.TabSpec spec host.newTabSpec tag spec.setContent layout View view prepareTabView host.getContext title drawable..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? Now I need to retrieve these values dynamically in my app spec.setContent String pack getPackageName String id tab_Books_..
start Activity from an other Activity with Tabs Main getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon_main_tab Intent mainIntent new Intent this TabMainActivity.class mainspec.setContent mainIntent Tab for Graph TabSpec graphspec tabHost.newTabSpec Graph graphspec.setIndicator Graph getResources .getDrawable.. getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon_graph_tab Intent graphIntent new Intent this TabGraphActivity.class graphspec.setContent graphIntent Tab for Option TabSpec optionspec tabHost.newTabSpec Option optionspec.setIndicator Option getResources .getDrawable.. getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon_option_tab Intent optionIntent new Intent this TabOptionActivity.class optionspec.setContent optionIntent Adding all TabSpec to TabHost tabHost.addTab mainspec tabHost.addTab graphspec tabHost.addTab optionspec ..
Why do I get an error while trying to set the content of a tabspec in android? R.layout.unit_view TabHost tabHost getTabHost TabSpec spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec controls spec.setIndicator Control spec.setContent R.layout.unit_control tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec data spec.setIndicator Data spec.setContent R.layout.unit_data.. Control spec.setContent R.layout.unit_control tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec data spec.setIndicator Data spec.setContent R.layout.unit_data tabHost.addTab spec However when I run the program it crashes with the error Could not create tab content.. R.layout.unit_view TabHost tabHost getTabHost TabSpec spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec controls spec.setIndicator Control spec.setContent NOTE THE CHANGE tabHost.addTab spec spec tabHost.newTabSpec data spec.setIndicator Data spec.setContent..
How to change tab style in Android?
Android TabHost - Activities within each tab txtTabInfo.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL Gravity.TOP txtTabInfo.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabInfo spec.setContent spec.setIndicator txtTabInfo tabs.addTab spec Maps txtTabMap new TextView this txtTabMap.setText MAP txtTabMap.setTextSize.. txtTabMap.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL Gravity.TOP txtTabMap.setHeight 39 spec tabs.newTabSpec tabMap spec.setContent spec.setIndicator txtTabMap tabs.addTab spec tabs.setCurrentTab 0 tabs.setOnTabChangedListener this ... share..
Communication between TabActivity and the embedded activity spec Intent intent intent new Intent .setClass this ChildActivity.class spec m_tabHost.newTabSpec Tab 1 spec.setContent intent tabView TextView inflater.inflate R.layout.tab_indicator null spec.setIndicator tabView m_tabHost.addTab spec m_tabHost.setCurrentTab..
Custom tabs in android [closed] static void addTab TabHost host int title String tag int drawable int layout TabHost.TabSpec spec host.newTabSpec tag spec.setContent layout View view prepareTabView host.getContext title drawable spec.setIndicator view host.addTab spec share improve this..
Android: How do I get string from resources using its name? аме ки string string name tab_Bookmarks_ru акладки string Now I need to retrieve these values dynamically in my app spec.setContent String pack getPackageName String id tab_Books_ Central.lang int i Central.Res.getIdentifier id string pack..