android Programming Glossary: spanish
Localization Android languages and they work ca Catalan el Greek es Spanish pl Polish pt Portuguese ro Romanian ru Russian sv Swedish More..
Set Locale programatically my application for instance an Italian person might prefer Spanish over English. Is there a way for the user to select among the..
How can I change language of my application? selection. There are three languages English German Spanish. When I select an option the entire application language should..
Japanese TTS on Android a number of languages English French German Italian and Spanish. Yet I see an app that does Japanese TTS and the APK is around..
“ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value” when trying to upload to the Android Market my own. This is one of my few apps that is localized into Spanish so my res directory had the following res values en res values..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? 1.5 Korean ko_KR 1.5 Polish pl_PL 1.5 Russian ru_RU 1.5 Spanish es_ES 1.5 Arabic Egypt ar_EG 2.3 Arabic Israel ar_IL 2.3 Bulgarian.. 2.3 Slovak Slovakia sk_SK 2.3 Slovenian Slovenia sl_SI 2.3 Spanish US es_US 2.3 Swedish Sweden sv_SE 2.3 Tagalog Philippines tl_PH..
Localization Android share improve this question My app uses the following undocumented languages and they work ca Catalan el Greek es Spanish pl Polish pt Portuguese ro Romanian ru Russian sv Swedish More generally it should be the string in the 639 1 column of..
Set Locale programatically I'd like to give the user the option to change locale in my application for instance an Italian person might prefer Spanish over English. Is there a way for the user to select among the locales that are available for the application and then change..
How can I change language of my application? of my application In my application I have a option of language selection. There are three languages English German Spanish. When I select an option the entire application language should be changed. How can I make this possible android share..
Japanese TTS on Android The TTS engine that ships with the Android platform supports a number of languages English French German Italian and Spanish. Yet I see an app that does Japanese TTS and the APK is around 1 MB not nearly enough for a standalone TTS library. So the..
“ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute is not a string value” when trying to upload to the Android Market this stupid bug for a couple of hours I found the answer on my own. This is one of my few apps that is localized into Spanish so my res directory had the following res values en res values es This apparently worked fine in previous versions of the..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? it_IT 1.5 Italian Switzerland it_CH 1.5 Japanese ja_JP 1.5 Korean ko_KR 1.5 Polish pl_PL 1.5 Russian ru_RU 1.5 Spanish es_ES 1.5 Arabic Egypt ar_EG 2.3 Arabic Israel ar_IL 2.3 Bulgarian Bulgaria bg_BG 2.3 Catalan Spain ca_ES 2.3 Croatian.. pt_PT 2.3 Romanian Romania ro_RO 2.3 Serbian sr_RS 2.3 Slovak Slovakia sk_SK 2.3 Slovenian Slovenia sl_SI 2.3 Spanish US es_US 2.3 Swedish Sweden sv_SE 2.3 Tagalog Philippines tl_PH 2.3 Thai Thailand th_TH 2.3 Turkish Turkey tr_TR 2.3 Ukrainian..