

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:24:44

android Programming Glossary: speakerphone

Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications?


experience working on an app that could use either the speakerphone or the earpiece for audio playback which requires the use of..

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece


am.setSpeakerphoneOn true Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn am.setSpeakerphoneOn false Log.d SPEAKERPHONE.. am.setSpeakerphoneOn false Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn atrack.setPlaybackRate 11025 byte buffer..

Play song during call


to the in call audio stream. The workaround you describe speakerphone mode should work using ordinary media classes e.g. MediaPlayer..

Voice call recording Application in android


Playing an audio file while on the call in android / send a voice prompt so that other person can hear it?


application. The only workaround is if the device is in speakerphone mode what you play over the speaker can be picked up by the..

Android: Manipulating voice in phone calls


no access to the in call audio stream except perhaps in speakerphone mode. But rebuilding a telephone app no VOIP would be fine too...

Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications?


type rather than the voice call one but I'm just speaking from experience working on an app that could use either the speakerphone or the earpiece for audio playback which requires the use of the voice call stream. Like I said audio handling isn't particularly..

Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece


getRouting ok setVolumeControlStream AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL am.setSpeakerphoneOn true Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn am.setSpeakerphoneOn false Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn atrack.setPlaybackRate.. true Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn am.setSpeakerphoneOn false Log.d SPEAKERPHONE Is speakerphone on am.isSpeakerphoneOn atrack.setPlaybackRate 11025 byte buffer new byte buffersize arec.startRecording atrack.play while..

Play song during call


Voice call recording Application in android


Playing an audio file while on the call in android / send a voice prompt so that other person can hear it?


Android: Manipulating voice in phone calls


be to do this on a native call. This is not possible. You have no access to the in call audio stream except perhaps in speakerphone mode. But rebuilding a telephone app no VOIP would be fine too. The last official word from Google 2010 the entire OS has..