android Programming Glossary: spannablestring
How to align TextView around an ImageView? TextView myTextView TextView findViewById SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText.. SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max.. get the exact result. What shall I do Do I need to use SpannableStringBuilder in this case or there is another way. Please help. I..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? dialog following the link to final SpannableString s new SpannableString context.getText R.string.dialog_message.. link to final SpannableString s new SpannableString context.getText R.string.dialog_message Linkify.addLinks s Linkify.WEB_URLS..
How to layout text to flow around an image textLineHeight For an html text you can use this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString.. html text you can use this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString.. ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString text ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2..
Can I underline text in an android layout? TextView textView TextView view.findViewById SpannableString content new SpannableString Content content.setSpan new UnderlineSpan.. SpannableString content new SpannableString Content content.setSpan new UnderlineSpan 0 content.length 0..
Set color of TextView span in Android findViewById Spannable wordtoSpan new SpannableString I know just how to whisper And I know just how to cry I know..
How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent” Button findViewById Spannable buttonLabel new SpannableString Button Text buttonLabel.setSpan new ImageSpan getApplicationContext..
To draw an Underline below the TextView in Android There are three ways of underling the text in TextView. SpannableString setPaintFlags of TextView Html.fromHtml Let me explain you all.. For underling the text in TextView you have to use SpannableString String udata Underlined Text SpannableString content new SpannableString.. have to use SpannableString String udata Underlined Text SpannableString content new SpannableString udata content.setSpan new UnderlineSpan..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? this question Yes its possible. For this you need to use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this.. ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder String red this is.. something like this SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder String red this is red SpannableString redSpannable new..
Video processing in Android
How to align TextView around an ImageView? I am using the following code private void createSpannableText TextView myTextView TextView findViewById SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max int lengthOfPart1 builder.length.. void createSpannableText TextView myTextView TextView findViewById SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder builder.append this.getText R.string.loren__ipsum__max int lengthOfPart1 builder.length builder.append builder.append.. myTextView.setText builder But couldn't get the exact result. What shall I do Do I need to use SpannableStringBuilder in this case or there is another way. Please help. I used this post http 2009 06 how..
How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource? new TextView context i.e. R.string.dialog_message Test this dialog following the link to final SpannableString s new SpannableString context.getText R.string.dialog_message Linkify.addLinks s Linkify.WEB_URLS message.setText s message.setMovementMethod.. R.string.dialog_message Test this dialog following the link to final SpannableString s new SpannableString context.getText R.string.dialog_message Linkify.addLinks s Linkify.WEB_URLS message.setText s message.setMovementMethod..
How to layout text to flow around an image of lines and width of the image int lines int Math.round height textLineHeight For an html text you can use this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString text ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2.. image int lines int Math.round height textLineHeight For an html text you can use this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString text ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2 lines width 0.. For an html text you can use this line SpannableStringBuilder ss SpannableStringBuilder Html.fromHtml text SpannableString ss new SpannableString text ss.setSpan new MyLeadingMarginSpan2 lines width 0 ss.length Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE..
Can I underline text in an android layout? resources If you want to underline something from code use TextView textView TextView view.findViewById SpannableString content new SpannableString Content content.setSpan new UnderlineSpan 0 content.length 0 textView.setText content share..
Set color of TextView span in Android to set the text of the TextView twice TextView TV TextView findViewById Spannable wordtoSpan new SpannableString I know just how to whisper And I know just how to cry I know just where to find the answers wordtoSpan.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan..
How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent” an ImageSpan to create a Text Image Spannable Button button Button findViewById Spannable buttonLabel new SpannableString Button Text buttonLabel.setSpan new ImageSpan getApplicationContext R.drawable.icon ImageSpan.ALIGN_BOTTOM 0 1 Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE..
To draw an Underline below the TextView in Android android textview underline share improve this question There are three ways of underling the text in TextView. SpannableString setPaintFlags of TextView Html.fromHtml Let me explain you all approaches 1st Approach For underling the text in TextView.. Html.fromHtml Let me explain you all approaches 1st Approach For underling the text in TextView you have to use SpannableString String udata Underlined Text SpannableString content new SpannableString udata content.setSpan new UnderlineSpan 0 udata.length.. 1st Approach For underling the text in TextView you have to use SpannableString String udata Underlined Text SpannableString content new SpannableString udata content.setSpan new UnderlineSpan 0 udata.length 0 mTextView.setText content 2nd Approach..
Is it possible to change the text color in a string to multiple colors in Java? 22dp java android string textcolor share improve this question Yes its possible. For this you need to use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder.. its possible. For this you need to use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder String red this is red SpannableString redSpannable new SpannableString red redSpannable.setSpan.. use SpannableString and ForegroundColorSpan . This should look something like this SpannableStringBuilder builder new SpannableStringBuilder String red this is red SpannableString redSpannable new SpannableString red redSpannable.setSpan new ForegroundColorSpan..
Video processing in Android