android Programming Glossary: spans
Android - SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length I have googled this to death but.. error SpannableStringBuilder SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length I have tried this with and without..
android span click event message new SpannableString html.toString Object spans html.getSpans 0 html.length Object.class for Object span spans.. html.getSpans 0 html.length Object.class for Object span spans int start html.getSpanStart span int end html.getSpanEnd span.. interest span here get ImageSpan that you click Object spans buffer.getSpans off off spanClass if spans.length 0 if action..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android latencies that vary over many orders of magnitude in short spans of time. TCP really isn't great in this environment and particularly..
Mapview getLatitudeSpan and getLongitudeSpan not working is downloaded. So isolate your code that depends on those spans into a method. Call that method from onCreate and the AsyncTask..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text Since you are using HTML anyways you can use the underline spans placed by the Html.fromSource as markers for your own spans... placed by the Html.fromSource as markers for your own spans. Alternatively you could also define a Tag within the string..
Remove underline from links in TextView - Android textView Spannable s Spannable textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans .. spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans int start s.getSpanStart span int end s.getSpanEnd span s.removeSpan..
Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()? android textview share improve this question Use spans Example final SpannableStringBuilder sb new SpannableStringBuilder..
Is it possible for TextView Marquee in a Widget that extends AppWidgetProvider? 200dp android text Loading... More text to see if it spans or not and want more android singleLine true android ellipsize.. 200dp android text Loading... More text to see if it spans or not and want more android singleLine true android ellipsize.. 200dp android text Loading... More text to see if it spans or not and want more android singleLine true android ellipsize..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable spans Spannable definitionView.getText BreakIterator iterator BreakIterator.getWordInstance.. 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE.. definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable spans Spannable definitionView.getText Integer indices getIndices..
Android - SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length I have googled this to death but cannot find the answer anywhere. I have the following layout.. When i run this on my mobile device i get the following error SpannableStringBuilder SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE spans cannot have a zero length I have tried this with and without the TextView and the error still remains i must be doing something..
android span click event null setHTML article public void setHTML Spanned html SpannableString message new SpannableString html.toString Object spans html.getSpans 0 html.length Object.class for Object span spans int start html.getSpanStart span int end html.getSpanEnd.. message new SpannableString html.toString Object spans html.getSpans 0 html.length Object.class for Object span spans int start html.getSpanStart span int end html.getSpanEnd span int flags html.getSpanFlags span if span instanceof URLSpan.. y int off layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x get you interest span here get ImageSpan that you click Object spans buffer.getSpans off off spanClass if spans.length 0 if action MotionEvent.ACTION_UP Message message handler.obtainMessage..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android layer that has high and variable packet loss rates and latencies that vary over many orders of magnitude in short spans of time. TCP really isn't great in this environment and particularly struggles with long lived connections. The key benefit..
Mapview getLatitudeSpan and getLongitudeSpan not working and possibly not until some map data from the Internet is downloaded. So isolate your code that depends on those spans into a method. Call that method from onCreate and the AsyncTask probably as you're doing today. But add detection logic..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text object to the range of characters you want to be clickable. Since you are using HTML anyways you can use the underline spans placed by the Html.fromSource as markers for your own spans. Alternatively you could also define a Tag within the string.. Since you are using HTML anyways you can use the underline spans placed by the Html.fromSource as markers for your own spans. Alternatively you could also define a Tag within the string that only you know of. i.e. And supply your own tag handler..
Remove underline from links in TextView - Android each of your TextView s private void stripUnderlines TextView textView Spannable s Spannable textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans int start s.getSpanStart span int end s.getSpanEnd span s.removeSpan.. textView Spannable s Spannable textView.getText URLSpan spans s.getSpans 0 s.length URLSpan.class for URLSpan span spans int start s.getSpanStart span int end s.getSpanEnd span s.removeSpan span span new URLSpanNoUnderline span.getURL s.setSpan..
Android: Coloring part of a string using TextView.setText()? I would like to achieve. How would I go about doing this Thanks android textview share improve this question Use spans Example final SpannableStringBuilder sb new SpannableStringBuilder your text here final ForegroundColorSpan fcs new ForegroundColorSpan..
Is it possible for TextView Marquee in a Widget that extends AppWidgetProvider? TextView android id @ id fact android layout_width 200dp android text Loading... More text to see if it spans or not and want more android singleLine true android ellipsize marquee android marqueeRepeatLimit marquee_forever android.. be as followed TextView android id @ id fact android layout_width 200dp android text Loading... More text to see if it spans or not and want more android singleLine true android ellipsize marquee android marqueeRepeatLimit marquee_forever android.. be as followed TextView android id @ id fact android layout_width 200dp android text Loading... More text to see if it spans or not and want more android singleLine true android ellipsize marquee android marqueeRepeatLimit marquee_forever android..
select a word on a tap in TextView/EditText LinkMovementMethod.getInstance definitionView.setText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable spans Spannable definitionView.getText BreakIterator iterator BreakIterator.getWordInstance Locale.US iterator.setText definition.. start end if Character.isLetterOrDigit possibleWord.charAt 0 ClickableSpan clickSpan getClickableSpan possibleWord spans.setSpan clickSpan start end Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE private ClickableSpan getClickableSpan final String word.. LinkMovementMethod.getInstance definitionView.setText definition BufferType.SPANNABLE Spannable spans Spannable definitionView.getText Integer indices getIndices definitionView.getText .toString ' ' int start 0 int end 0 to..