android Programming Glossary: spinner
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event what I am trying to do is something similar to this spinner1.onSelectionChange handleSelectionChange void handleSelectionChange.. Object sender handle event android events spinner share improve this question Some of the previous answers.. the documentation for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click events. Calling this method will..
Caching images and displaying void display ImageView img String url final ProgressBar spinner imageLoader.displayImage url img options new ImageLoadingListener.. public void onLoadingStarted String imageUri View view spinner.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override public void onLoadingFailed.. String imageUri View view FailReason failReason spinner.setVisibility View.GONE @Override public void onLoadingComplete..
Android: How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner public class CMSHome extends Activity private Spinner spinner @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Heres my spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter CharSequence.. setContentView R.layout.main Heres my spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter CharSequence..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] Called Erroneously without user action on opening spinner Does anyone know how to prevent the onItemSelected OnItemSelectedListener..
Android: Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding? the text color of the single item that is displayed in the spinner button after you select an item from the dropdown. I've been.. of a dropdown item I'm trying to change the color of the spinner's displayed text when there is no dropdown. I guess you could.. when there is no dropdown. I guess you could call it the spinner's 'button' text. android text colors spinner share improve..
Android Spinner Error : android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window BadTokenException Unable to add window I want to set the spinner value using String or ArrayList. I have done spinner in other.. the spinner value using String or ArrayList. I have done spinner in other activity working fine.In this activity inside the Tab.. another Tab activity. My problem is setting values into spinner. Spinner is displaying correctly Thay means when load the activity..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar android layout android 3.0 android actionbar android spinner share improve this question First option menu options.xml..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list of items is displayed and the user selects one of the.. a Spinner String items new String One Two Three Spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter String adapter.. new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item items adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments set flag startLoad true canSet false show the bottom spinner addFooter Intent intent new Intent context MyService.class intent.putExtra..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event Spinner Get the selected item change event How can you set the event.. change event How can you set the event listener for a Spinner when the selected item changes Basically what I am trying to.. for other widgets and views but the documentation for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click..
Android: How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner I've thought of some less than elegant ways to solve this but.. THANKS public class CMSHome extends Activity private Spinner spinner @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. setContentView R.layout.main Heres my spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter CharSequence adapter..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] onItemSelected executes when it is not suppose to duplicate.. it is not suppose to duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Spinner OnItemSelected Called Erroneously without user action on opening.. onItemSelected is triggered whilst the Gallery or Spinner is initializing. This means that code is prematurely executed..
Android: Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding? Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding I'm trying to change the.. SDK for an hour now and I can't seem to find where the Spinner is getting the color value from. To clarify I'm NOT trying to.. probably this bit in styles.xml style name Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem item name android textAppearance @style TextAppearance.Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar @layout action_sort menu layout action_sort.xml Spinner xmlns android http apk res android android..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” to make an Android Spinner with initial text &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want.. text &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays.. has made a selection the selected item is displayed in the Spinner instead of Select One . I have the following code to create..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE.. protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data like this CAST THE LINEARLAYOUT HOLDING THE MAIN PROGRESS SPINNER LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE SPINNER WHILE LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. TO PERMIT FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore false HIDE THE SPINNER AFTER LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE..
Lazy download images into gridView protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE PHOTOS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE.. add this in the onPostExecute HIDE THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.GONE..
How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android? class MySpinnerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String CUSTOM SPINNER ADAPTER private Context mContext public MySpinnerAdapter Context..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event listener for a Spinner when the selected item changes Basically what I am trying to do is something similar to this spinner1.onSelectionChange handleSelectionChange void handleSelectionChange Object sender handle event android events spinner .. spinner1.onSelectionChange handleSelectionChange void handleSelectionChange Object sender handle event android events spinner share improve this question Some of the previous answers are not correct. They work for other widgets and views but.. are not correct. They work for other widgets and views but the documentation for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click events. Calling this method will raise an exception. Better use OnItemSelectedListener instead..
Caching images and displaying data.get position .toString image options return vi public void display ImageView img String url final ProgressBar spinner imageLoader.displayImage url img options new ImageLoadingListener @Override public void onLoadingStarted String imageUri.. url img options new ImageLoadingListener @Override public void onLoadingStarted String imageUri View view spinner.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override public void onLoadingFailed String imageUri View view FailReason failReason spinner.setVisibility.. View.VISIBLE @Override public void onLoadingFailed String imageUri View view FailReason failReason spinner.setVisibility View.GONE @Override public void onLoadingComplete String imageUri View view Bitmap loadedImage spinner.setVisibility..
Android: How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner from firing off before the user can touch the control THANKS public class CMSHome extends Activity private Spinner spinner @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Heres my spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter CharSequence adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.pm_list.. onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Heres my spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter CharSequence adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.pm_list..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] to duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Spinner OnItemSelected Called Erroneously without user action on opening spinner Does anyone know how to prevent the onItemSelected OnItemSelectedListener interface method from running when the layout..
Android: Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding? widget's text color attribute hiding I'm trying to change the text color of the single item that is displayed in the spinner button after you select an item from the dropdown. I've been perusing the themes.xml and styles.xml in the Android SDK for.. value from. To clarify I'm NOT trying to change the color of a dropdown item I'm trying to change the color of the spinner's displayed text when there is no dropdown. I guess you could call it the spinner's 'button' text. android text colors.. trying to change the color of the spinner's displayed text when there is no dropdown. I guess you could call it the spinner's 'button' text. android text colors spinner share improve this question I think it's probably this bit in styles.xml..
Android Spinner Error : android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window Spinner Error android.view.WindowManager BadTokenException Unable to add window I want to set the spinner value using String or ArrayList. I have done spinner in other activity working fine.In this activity inside the Tab acivityGroup.. BadTokenException Unable to add window I want to set the spinner value using String or ArrayList. I have done spinner in other activity working fine.In this activity inside the Tab acivityGroup another Tab activity. My problem is setting.. working fine.In this activity inside the Tab acivityGroup another Tab activity. My problem is setting values into spinner. Spinner is displaying correctly Thay means when load the activity that is working fine but when I click On spinner its..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar Is it possible to do it without using a custom view android android layout android 3.0 android actionbar android spinner share improve this question First option menu options.xml item android icon @drawable ic_menu_sort android showAsAction..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner the list of items is displayed and the user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection the selected.. instead of Select One . I have the following code to create a Spinner String items new String One Two Three Spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item.. Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter String adapter new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item items adapter.setDropDownViewResource android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item spinner.setAdapter adapter With..
support FragmentPagerAdapter holds reference to old fragments another service is already running if startLoad canSet return set flag startLoad true canSet false show the bottom spinner addFooter Intent intent new Intent context MyService.class intent.putExtra MyService.STATUS_RECEIVER resultReceiver context.startService..
Android Spinner: Get the selected item change event Spinner Get the selected item change event How can you set the event listener for a Spinner when the selected item changes Basically.. Spinner Get the selected item change event How can you set the event listener for a Spinner when the selected item changes Basically what I am trying to do is something similar to this spinner1.onSelectionChange.. Some of the previous answers are not correct. They work for other widgets and views but the documentation for the Spinner widget clearly states A spinner does not support item click events. Calling this method will raise an exception. Better..
Android: How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner How to keep onItemSelected from firing off on a newly instantiated Spinner I've thought of some less than elegant ways to solve this but I know I must be missing something. My onItemSelected fires.. I stop this from firing off before the user can touch the control THANKS public class CMSHome extends Activity private Spinner spinner @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Heres my spinner spinner Spinner findViewById ArrayAdapter CharSequence adapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.pm_list android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item..
Spinner onItemSelected() executes when it is not suppose to [duplicate] onItemSelected executes when it is not suppose to duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Spinner OnItemSelected Called Erroneously.. onItemSelected executes when it is not suppose to duplicate Possible Duplicate Android Spinner OnItemSelected Called Erroneously without user action on opening spinner Does anyone know how to prevent the onItemSelected.. I wrote up for this problem... Problem Statement an undesirable onItemSelected is triggered whilst the Gallery or Spinner is initializing. This means that code is prematurely executed code which is intended to execute ONLY when a user physically..
Android: Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding? Where is the Spinner widget's text color attribute hiding I'm trying to change the text color of the single item that is displayed in the spinner.. I've been perusing the themes.xml and styles.xml in the Android SDK for an hour now and I can't seem to find where the Spinner is getting the color value from. To clarify I'm NOT trying to change the color of a dropdown item I'm trying to change the.. colors spinner share improve this question I think it's probably this bit in styles.xml style name Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem item name android textAppearance @style TextAppearance.Widget.TextView.SpinnerItem item style style name Widget.DropDownItem.Spinner..
How to add a Dropdown item on the action bar id @ id menuSort android showAsAction ifRoom android actionLayout @layout action_sort menu layout action_sort.xml Spinner xmlns android http apk res android android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” to make an Android Spinner with initial text &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made.. to make an Android Spinner with initial text &ldquo Select One&rdquo In Android I want to use a Spinner that initially when the user has not made a selection yet displays the text Select One . When the user clicks the spinner.. and the user selects one of the options. After the user has made a selection the selected item is displayed in the Spinner instead of Select One . I have the following code to create a Spinner String items new String One Two Three Spinner spinner..
How to get Facebook user photo albums using graph api? LinearLayout findViewById @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params.. ADAPTER TO THE LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADING MORE STATUS loadingMore false HIDE THE PROGRESS BAR SPINNER AFTER LOADING ALBUMS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE For the sake of completeness here is what I use to fetch.. loadMoreAlbums extends AsyncTask Void Void Void @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE ALBUMS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params..
how to show progress bar(circle) in an activity having a listview before loading the listview with data my lists. SO in the AsyncTask's onPreExecute I use something like this CAST THE LINEARLAYOUT HOLDING THE MAIN PROGRESS SPINNER LinearLayout linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById @Override protected void onPreExecute.. linlaHeaderProgress LinearLayout findViewById @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE SPINNER WHILE LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.VISIBLE and in the onPostExecute after setting the adapter to.. LISTVIEW lv.setAdapter adapter CHANGE THE LOADINGMORE STATUS TO PERMIT FETCHING MORE DATA loadingMore false HIDE THE SPINNER AFTER LOADING FEEDS linlaHeaderProgress.setVisibility View.GONE EDIT This is how it looks in my app while loading one of..
Lazy download images into gridView View.GONE And in the onPreExecute use it like this @Override protected void onPreExecute SHOW THE BOTTOM PROGRESS BAR SPINNER WHILE LOADING MORE PHOTOS linlaProgressBar.setVisibility View.VISIBLE And finally add this in the onPostExecute HIDE THE..
How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android? long itemId return false MySpinnerAdapter public class MySpinnerAdapter extends ArrayAdapter String CUSTOM SPINNER ADAPTER private Context mContext public MySpinnerAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId String objects super context..