android Programming Glossary: soundpoolmap.put
Issue with Soundpool and Samsung Galaxy S 100 soundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer soundPoolMap.put SOUND_EXPLOSION soundPool.load getContext R.raw.explosion3 1.. soundPool.load getContext R.raw.explosion3 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLEAR soundPool.load getContext R.raw.pop 1 soundPoolMap.put.. SOUND_CLEAR soundPool.load getContext R.raw.pop 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLICK soundPool.load getContext 1 soundPoolMap.put..
Android, AsyncTask, check status? 100 soundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer soundPoolMap.put A1 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.a 1 soundPoolMap.put.. A1 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.a 1 soundPoolMap.put A3 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.b 1 soundPoolMap.put.. A3 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.b 1 soundPoolMap.put A5 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.c_s 1 soundPoolMap.put..
Issue with Soundpool and Samsung Galaxy S void initSounds soundPool new SoundPool 4 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 100 soundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer soundPoolMap.put SOUND_EXPLOSION soundPool.load getContext R.raw.explosion3 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLEAR soundPool.load getContext R.raw.pop.. soundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer soundPoolMap.put SOUND_EXPLOSION soundPool.load getContext R.raw.explosion3 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLEAR soundPool.load getContext R.raw.pop 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLICK soundPool.load getContext 1 soundPoolMap.put.. soundPool.load getContext R.raw.explosion3 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLEAR soundPool.load getContext R.raw.pop 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_CLICK soundPool.load getContext 1 soundPoolMap.put SOUND_MAGIC soundPool.load getContext R.raw.swoosh..
Android, AsyncTask, check status? Void... unused soundPool new SoundPool 5 AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 100 soundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer soundPoolMap.put A1 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.a 1 soundPoolMap.put A3 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.b 1.. 100 soundPoolMap new HashMap Integer Integer soundPoolMap.put A1 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.a 1 soundPoolMap.put A3 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.b 1 soundPoolMap.put A5 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.c_s.. soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.a 1 soundPoolMap.put A3 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.b 1 soundPoolMap.put A5 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.c_s 1 soundPoolMap.put A6 soundPool.load GameScreen_bugfix.this R.raw.d..