android Programming Glossary: parameters.setrotation
Android Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView camera.getParameters parameters.set orientation portrait parameters.setRotation 90 camera.setParameters parameters Is there something else I..
Android: Error inflating class w h parameters.set orientation portrait parameters.setRotation 90 API 5 mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.startPreview..
Android camera rotate to do this Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.setRotation 90 but it's not working. I have made research on google and..
Android Save Image to SD Card 90 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 90 else This is an undocumented although widely known feature.. 0 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 0 camera.setParameters parameters camera.setPreviewDisplay..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture 90 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 90 else This is an undocumented although widely known feature.. 0 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 0 camera.setParameters parameters camera.setPreviewDisplay..
Android Camera in Portrait on SurfaceView 2 using Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.set orientation portrait parameters.setRotation 90 camera.setParameters parameters Is there something else I can try If this a bug in Android or the phone how can I make..
Android: Error inflating class Camera.Parameters parameters mCamera.getParameters parameters.setPreviewSize w h parameters.set orientation portrait parameters.setRotation 90 API 5 mCamera.setParameters parameters mCamera.startPreview And this is in my ghostviewscreen.xml com.alpenglow.androcap.GhostSurfaceCameraView..
Android camera rotate on Motorola the camera is rotated with 90 degrees. I have tried to do this Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.setRotation 90 but it's not working. I have made research on google and i didn't find any solution yet. Can anybody help me with this..
Android Save Image to SD Card orientation portrait For Android 2.2 and above camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 90 else This is an undocumented although widely known feature parameters.set orientation landscape For Android 2.2 and.. orientation landscape For Android 2.2 and above camera.setDisplayOrientation 0 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 0 camera.setParameters parameters camera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException exception camera.release camera.startPreview..
Android Reduce Size Of Camera Picture orientation portrait For Android 2.2 and above camera.setDisplayOrientation 90 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 90 else This is an undocumented although widely known feature parameters.set orientation landscape For Android 2.2 and.. orientation landscape For Android 2.2 and above camera.setDisplayOrientation 0 Uncomment for Android 2.0 and above parameters.setRotation 0 camera.setParameters parameters camera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException exception camera.release camera.startPreview..