android Programming Glossary: pairing
Bluetooth connection on Android ICS not possible again to enter the password and to pair. After I enter the pairing password my main layout is visible but a connection isn't established...
WiFi Direct (Android 4.0) with multiple (3+) devices sender and receiver The Wifi Direct demo only works for pairing two devices and I could not find a way to do anything else...
Android Device Bluetooth pairing Device Bluetooth pairing I want to discover bluetooth devices in range list and pair.. Log The dvice bdDevice.toString here below we can do pairing without calling the callthread we can directly call the connect..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work with bluetooth on android 2.1 samsung spica i5700 where pairing works but connection does not work I have a Samsung Spica i5700..
Specifying a link key in android without pairing a link key in android without pairing I am trying to determine if there is a way in android to associate.. discoverable bluetooth device without going through the pairing or re pairing procedure. I am not able to establish the link.. bluetooth device without going through the pairing or re pairing procedure. I am not able to establish the link key with the..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android pair a bluetooth device. I'm able to show the pairing dialog for the device I want to pair and I can enter a pincode... Currently I am using the following code to start the pairing progress public void pairDevice BluetoothDevice device String.. context.startActivity intent Before starting a pairing request I stop scanning for new devices. My application has..
Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation pairing without user confirmation Can I pair two devices over Bluetooth..
Bluetooth connection on Android ICS not possible over the serial protocol . When I start the app I'm asked again to enter the password and to pair. After I enter the pairing password my main layout is visible but a connection isn't established. The LogCat in eclipse tells me 06 19 16 00 20.656..
WiFi Direct (Android 4.0) with multiple (3+) devices in between therefore spanning a larger distance between the sender and receiver The Wifi Direct demo only works for pairing two devices and I could not find a way to do anything else. Thanks android wifi direct share improve this question ..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing Device Bluetooth pairing I want to discover bluetooth devices in range list and pair to them on click. I used following code but its just closing.. position bdClass arrayListBluetoothDevices.get position Log.i Log The dvice bdDevice.toString here below we can do pairing without calling the callthread we can directly call the connect . but for the safer side we must usethe threading object...
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work with bluetooth on android 2.1 samsung spica i5700 where pairing works but connection does not work I have a Samsung Spica i5700 which I already have updated to Android 2.1. I am using..
Specifying a link key in android without pairing a link key in android without pairing I am trying to determine if there is a way in android to associate a specific link key with an already existing remote.. what I want to do is create a connection with a non discoverable bluetooth device without going through the pairing or re pairing procedure. I am not able to establish the link key with the device in a standard pairing procedure because.. I want to do is create a connection with a non discoverable bluetooth device without going through the pairing or re pairing procedure. I am not able to establish the link key with the device in a standard pairing procedure because I am working..
How to programmatically pair a bluetooth device on Android device on Android For my application I'm trying to programmatically pair a bluetooth device. I'm able to show the pairing dialog for the device I want to pair and I can enter a pincode. When I press Pair the dialog is removed and nothing happens... I only need to support devices with Android 2.0 and newer. Currently I am using the following code to start the pairing progress public void pairDevice BluetoothDevice device String ACTION_PAIRING_REQUEST android.bluetooth.device.action.PAIRING_REQUEST.. PAIRING_VARIANT_PIN intent.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK context.startActivity intent Before starting a pairing request I stop scanning for new devices. My application has the following bluetooth permissions android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN..
Bluetooth pairing without user confirmation pairing without user confirmation Can I pair two devices over Bluetooth without a need to confirm this in user interface accept..