android Programming Glossary: nav
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? flash true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard d nav nonav d nav d ram unit GiB 1 d ram d buttons hard d buttons.. true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard d nav nonav d nav d ram unit GiB 1 d ram d buttons hard d buttons d internal.. flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard d nav nonav d nav d ram unit GiB 1 d ram d buttons hard d buttons d internal storage..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack you have 3 Fragments 1 2 3 I want the user to be able to navigate 1 2 3 but on the way back pressing back button 3 1 . As.. fill_parent Update This is the code I'm using to build by nav heirarchy Fragment frag FragmentTransaction transaction Create..
Low-latency audio playback on Android
Android - Is Navigation Drawer from right hand side possible? possible http training implementing navigation nav drawer.html According to this doc it doesn't say.. training implementing navigation nav drawer.html According to this doc it doesn't say if it is possible.. drawer from right hand side. Is it even possible android navigation drawer share improve this question Here is the documentation..
View the Task's activity stack scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 2 nav 2 2 orien 1 layout 34 resultTo HistoryRecord 44d174d0 scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 2 nav 2 2 orien 1 layout 34 launchFailed false haveState true icicle.. scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 2 nav 2 2 orien 1 layout 34 launchFailed false haveState true icicle..
Beginner: Best Practices in an Android App UI Navagation I've been working on porting an iPhone app which uses navigation controllers and table views for looking at the different.. a new view on from the right most of the time it has a nav bar at the top to give the user the option to go back The way.. that starts your 'Chapters' ListActivity and so on. The nav bar at the top of an iphone is not standard UI in android as..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? I will be parsing. package import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator.. Handler to parse the kml package import android.util.Log import import import
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video changed scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 1 orien 2 layout 34 uiMode 17 seq 210 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262.. changed scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 1 orien 2 layout 34 uiMode 17 seq 216 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing changed scale 1.0 imsi 0 0 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 1 nav 1 2 orien L layout 0x10000014 uiMode 0x11 seq 47 D MissileLauncherActivity.. changed scale 1.0 imsi 0 0 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 2 orien L layout 0x10000014 uiMode 0x11 seq 48 D dalvikvm..
onCreateOptionsMenu is being called to many times in ActionBar using tabs scale 1.0 imsi 310 260 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 2 orien L layout 0x10000014 uiMode 0x11 seq 35 07.374 FragmentList1..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview library to instrument their player and using it is fairly unavoidable. Beware it requires message passing which is a newer.. 100 Your page is loaded but not visible add whatever navigation elements you plan to use here. N.B. these are JAVA not.. elements you plan to use here. N.B. these are JAVA not JS nav elements @Override public boolean onConsoleMessage ConsoleMessage..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing HISa TELo PSAo PSDo DELa PUBi BUS LEG PHY ONL UNI PUR COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA HEA PRE GOV OTC Server Microsoft IIS 7.5 Vary..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA PO L HEA PRE LOC GOV content type application.. OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA PO L HEA PRE LOC GOV content type application.. OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA PO L HEA PRE LOC GOV content type application..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? d location back d location d autofocus true d autofocus d flash true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard d nav nonav d nav d ram unit GiB 1 d ram d buttons hard d buttons d internal storage unit GiB 16 d internal storage d removable.. back d location d autofocus true d autofocus d flash true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard d nav nonav d nav d ram unit GiB 1 d ram d buttons hard d buttons d internal storage unit GiB 16 d internal storage d removable storage.. back d location d autofocus true d autofocus d flash true d flash d camera d keyboard nokeys d keyboard d nav nonav d nav d ram unit GiB 1 d ram d buttons hard d buttons d internal storage unit GiB 16 d internal storage d removable storage unit..
Problems with Android Fragment back stack would be most grateful for any help that is offered. Imagine you have 3 Fragments 1 2 3 I want the user to be able to navigate 1 2 3 but on the way back pressing back button 3 1 . As I would have imagined this would be accomplished by not calling.. android layout_width match_parent android layout_height fill_parent Update This is the code I'm using to build by nav heirarchy Fragment frag FragmentTransaction transaction Create The first fragment 1 add it to the view BUT Dont add the..
Low-latency audio playback on Android
Android - Is Navigation Drawer from right hand side possible? Is Navigation Drawer from right hand side possible http training implementing navigation nav drawer.html According to this doc it doesn't say if it is possible to implement drawer from right hand side... Is Navigation Drawer from right hand side possible http training implementing navigation nav drawer.html According to this doc it doesn't say if it is possible to implement drawer from right hand side. Is it even.. to this doc it doesn't say if it is possible to implement drawer from right hand side. Is it even possible android navigation drawer share improve this question Here is the documentation on the drawer and it appears that you can configure..
View the Task's activity stack false componentSpecified false isHomeActivity false configuration scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 2 nav 2 2 orien 1 layout 34 resultTo HistoryRecord 44d174d0 .DialtactsContactsEntryActivity resultWho favorites.. false componentSpecified true isHomeActivity false configuration scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 2 nav 2 2 orien 1 layout 34 launchFailed false haveState true icicle Bundle mParcelledData.dataSize 4196 state STOPPED stopped.. true componentSpecified false isHomeActivity true configuration scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 2 nav 2 2 orien 1 layout 34 launchFailed false haveState true icicle Bundle mParcelledData.dataSize 5964 state STOPPED stopped..
Beginner: Best Practices in an Android App UI Navagation Android and I'm not sure of the best way to build the interface. I've been working on porting an iPhone app which uses navigation controllers and table views for looking at the different sections basically someone touches a cell in the table which.. you mean when a user touches up on a list row and it slides a new view on from the right most of the time it has a nav bar at the top to give the user the option to go back The way android handles this is simply by starting a new activity... when a listItem is clicked you would define a new intent that starts your 'Chapters' ListActivity and so on. The nav bar at the top of an iphone is not standard UI in android as most people see the dedicated 'back' key as a way of getting..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? idea. This is a simple bean I use to hold the route information I will be parsing. package import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.Iterator public class NavigationDataSet private ArrayList Placemark placemarks.. routePlacemark this.routePlacemark routePlacemark And the SAX Handler to parse the kml package import android.util.Log import import org.xml.sax.Attributes import org.xml.sax.SAXException.. import org.xml.sax.SAXException import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler import import public class NavigationSaxHandler extends DefaultHandler..
Android VideoView orientation change with buffered video h 726 12 13 15 37 35.468 1262 1270 I ActivityManager Config changed scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 1 orien 2 layout 34 uiMode 17 seq 210 12 13 15 37 35.561 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 37 35.561.. h 480 12 13 15 43 00.085 1262 1270 I ActivityManager Config changed scale 1.0 imsi 310 4 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 1 orien 2 layout 34 uiMode 17 seq 216 12 13 15 43 00.171 1262 1268 I TIOverlay Position X0 Y76 W480 H225 12 13 15 43 00.171..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing Yubikey II' sources 0x00000101 I ActivityManager 144 Config changed scale 1.0 imsi 0 0 loc en_US touch 3 keys 2 1 1 nav 1 2 orien L layout 0x10000014 uiMode 0x11 seq 47 D MissileLauncherActivity 16191 intent android.intent.action.MAIN I EventHub.. Yubikey II' sources 0x00000101 I ActivityManager 144 Config changed scale 1.0 imsi 0 0 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 2 orien L layout 0x10000014 uiMode 0x11 seq 48 D dalvikvm 144 GC_EXPLICIT freed 78K 26 free 14717K 19719K paused 3ms 3ms..
onCreateOptionsMenu is being called to many times in ActionBar using tabs rotation to 0 animFlags 0 06.926 ActivityManager 72 Config changed scale 1.0 imsi 310 260 loc en_US touch 3 keys 1 1 2 nav 1 2 orien L layout 0x10000014 uiMode 0x11 seq 35 07.374 FragmentList1 6880 onAttach 07.524 FragmentList1 6880 onCreateView..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview sure that's deliberate . Second Vimeo offers a javascript library to instrument their player and using it is fairly unavoidable. Beware it requires message passing which is a newer browser feature. This is documented on their API page. Third.. void onProgressChanged WebView view int progress if progress 100 Your page is loaded but not visible add whatever navigation elements you plan to use here. N.B. these are JAVA not JS nav elements @Override public boolean onConsoleMessage.. Your page is loaded but not visible add whatever navigation elements you plan to use here. N.B. these are JAVA not JS nav elements @Override public boolean onConsoleMessage ConsoleMessage cm I like to watch in the console. And since it was a..
KXmlParser throws “Unexpected token” exception at the start of RSS pasing 15 20 GMT P3P CP CAO DSP COR CURa ADMa DEVa IVAo IVDo CONo HISa TELo PSAo PSDo DELa PUBi BUS LEG PHY ONL UNI PUR COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA HEA PRE GOV OTC Server Microsoft IIS 7.5 Vary Accept Encoding X AspNet Version 2.0.50727 X Powered By ASP.NET..
how to resume an interrupted download - part 2 CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA PO L HEA PRE LOC GOV content type application zip connection close last mo dified Fri 06 Aug 2010 14 47.. CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA PO L HEA PRE LOC GOV content type application zip connection close last mo dified Fri 06 Aug 2010 14 47.. CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi UNRi PUBi IND PHY ONL UNI PUR FIN COM NAV INT DEM CNT STA PO L HEA PRE LOC GOV content type application zip connection close last mo dified Fri 06 Aug 2010 14 47..