android Programming Glossary: namelist
Android application with phone book synchronization? .And you can collect contact list using following method. ShowContact ArrayList String nameList ArrayList String phoneNoList ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI.. with phones String phoneNo pCur.getString pCur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER nameList.add name Here you can list of contact. phoneNoList.add phoneNo And here you can get list of phone number.You have to query.. of phone number.You have to query separately for getting phone_no email name etc Here you have to iterate this i.e. nameList with your list in the database.And your rest of logic. pCur.close And Let me know if are having any issue in getting..
Android set image as wallpaper list for int i 0 i nodeList.getLength i Node node nodeList.item i Element fstElmnt Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName thumb_url Element nameElement Element nameList.item 0 nameList nameElement.getChildNodes.. Element fstElmnt Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName thumb_url Element nameElement Element nameList.item 0 nameList nameElement.getChildNodes url.add nameList.item 0 .getNodeValue imageUrls String url.toArray new String.. Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName thumb_url Element nameElement Element nameList.item 0 nameList nameElement.getChildNodes url.add nameList.item 0 .getNodeValue imageUrls String url.toArray new String 0 catch Exception..
HTTP request for XML file eventMetrics for int i 0 i nodeList.getLength i Node node nodeList.item i Element fstElmnt Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName day Element dayElement Element nameList.item 0 nameList dayElement.getChildNodes countString.. i Element fstElmnt Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName day Element dayElement Element nameList.item 0 nameList dayElement.getChildNodes countString dayElement.getAttribute totalCount System.out.println countString.. Element node NodeList nameList fstElmnt.getElementsByTagName day Element dayElement Element nameList.item 0 nameList dayElement.getChildNodes countString dayElement.getAttribute totalCount System.out.println countString count Integer.parseInt..