android Programming Glossary: mvideoready
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android new boolean SURFACE_RES_IDS.length private boolean mVideoReady new boolean SURFACE_RES_IDS.length @Override public void onCreate.. sanity check should never happen mSizeKnown index true if mVideoReady index mSizeKnown index startVideoPlayback player public void.. player if index 1 return sanity check should never happen mVideoReady index true if mVideoReady index mSizeKnown index startVideoPlayback..
How to play multiple video files simultaneously in one layout side by side in different view in Android new SurfaceHolder SURFACE_RES_IDS.length private boolean mSizeKnown new boolean SURFACE_RES_IDS.length private boolean mVideoReady new boolean SURFACE_RES_IDS.length @Override public void onCreate Bundle icicle super.onCreate icicle setContentView R.layout.multi_videos_layout.. height return int index indexOf player if index 1 return sanity check should never happen mSizeKnown index true if mVideoReady index mSizeKnown index startVideoPlayback player public void onPrepared MediaPlayer player Log.d TAG MediaPlayer indexOf.. indexOf player onPrepared called int index indexOf player if index 1 return sanity check should never happen mVideoReady index true if mVideoReady index mSizeKnown index startVideoPlayback player public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder holder..