android Programming Glossary: multiply
How can I get the magnetic field vector, independent of the device rotation? values regardless of how the device is rotated. I tried to multiply with the rotation matrix I know how to get that tried to multiply.. with the rotation matrix I know how to get that tried to multiply with the inclination matrix and so on but nothing works. Regardless.. the coordinate system of the following picture you have to multiply the magnetic vector m with the rotation matrix R retrieved from..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation float yAngle float zAngle and are listed below Matrix.multiplyMV GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 GLES20Renderer._ModelMatrixBody.. this question It looks like the problem is Matrix.multiplyMV GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 GLES20Renderer._ModelMatrixBody.. 0 GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentre 0 Matrix.multiplyMV is a method to multiply a 4 element vector by a 4x4 matrix..
My Xml design not working in all android Devices? I design mdpi images for a 320x480 screen and then multiply the dimensions as per the above rules to get images for other..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame geomagneticValues 2 geomagneticValuesAdjusted 3 0 Matrix.multiplyMV resultVec 0 RsInv 0 geomagneticValuesAdjusted 0 for int i.. v with respect to the basis w_1 w_2 w_3 is obtained by multiply R with the coordinates of v with respect to x y z . Thus the..
How to dynamically set textview height android your app to scale across multiple screen sizes you would multiply the pixel count by the value returned by getResources .getDisplayMetrics..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? To scale the point above by a factor of 1.5 you can left multiply it by the following matrix 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 1 You'll get.. isn't commutative so when adding a transformation by multiplying your matrix you need to specify whether you're left multiplying.. your matrix you need to specify whether you're left multiplying or right multiplying. The difference it makes is what order..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION device held upright e.g. to take a photo you would want to multiply the transformation matrix by this matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 before..
Getting decibel from an android microphone the calibration and log magnitude. Essentially you will multiply or convolve by a frequency dependent calibration and then take.. FFT on the input data to generate a frequency spectrum and multiply that by the inverse of your frequency response and take the..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue information such as L a b or HSL If so I could just multiply the matrix for that converstion then make the hue adjustment..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates either. Neither does calling to remapcoordinates and then multiply in any of the previous forms. Does anybody have an idea about..
how to find the distance between two geopoints?
android compass seems unreliable which kind of defeats the point doesn't it NOTE you can multiply and sum the magnetic sensors with each other and take the square..
Android Convert Px to Dp (Video Aspect Ratio) [duplicate] logicalDensity will then contain the factor you need to multiply dp by to get physical pixel dimensions for the device screen...
Problem with getFloatv function in GL11 (Android) sample . In order to do that I would like to multiply my Modelview matrix by the ModelView matrix in the previous..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] am converting a string value into double value. eg when I multiply two double value double d1 Double.valueOf 0.3 .doubleValue Double.valueOf..
How can I get the magnetic field vector, independent of the device rotation? to compensate the device rotation so that I get the same 3 values regardless of how the device is rotated. I tried to multiply with the rotation matrix I know how to get that tried to multiply with the inclination matrix and so on but nothing works... regardless of how the device is rotated. I tried to multiply with the rotation matrix I know how to get that tried to multiply with the inclination matrix and so on but nothing works. Regardless of what I try still the values change when I rotate.. like in this picture To get the magnetic field vector in the coordinate system of the following picture you have to multiply the magnetic vector m with the rotation matrix R retrieved from getRotationMatrix like R m . This vector will point through..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation inside private static void updateModel int upDown float xAngle float yAngle float zAngle and are listed below Matrix.multiplyMV GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 GLES20Renderer._ModelMatrixBody 0 GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentre 0 objX GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix.. android opengl es opengl es 2.0 linear algebra share improve this question It looks like the problem is Matrix.multiplyMV GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 GLES20Renderer._ModelMatrixBody 0 GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentre 0 Matrix.multiplyMV.. GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentreMatrix 0 GLES20Renderer._ModelMatrixBody 0 GLES20Renderer._uBodyCentre 0 Matrix.multiplyMV is a method to multiply a 4 element vector by a 4x4 matrix and store the result in a 4 element column vector. In matrix..
My Xml design not working in all android Devices? 1.5x dimensions of mdpi xhdpi is 2x dimensinons of mdpi generally I design mdpi images for a 320x480 screen and then multiply the dimensions as per the above rules to get images for other resolutions. Android will automatically select the best combination..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame 1 geomagneticValues 1 geomagneticValuesAdjusted 2 geomagneticValues 2 geomagneticValuesAdjusted 3 0 Matrix.multiplyMV resultVec 0 RsInv 0 geomagneticValuesAdjusted 0 for int i 0 i resultVec.length i resultVec i resultVec i nanoTtoGRate.. called the Rotation matrix . Then the coordinates of a vector v with respect to the basis w_1 w_2 w_3 is obtained by multiply R with the coordinates of v with respect to x y z . Thus the coordinates of m with respect to the world coordinates system..
How to dynamically set textview height android height_in_pixels If you want to use dip units which allows your app to scale across multiple screen sizes you would multiply the pixel count by the value returned by getResources .getDisplayMetrics .density This depends on your desired behavior..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? and very efficient to chain them together like you mentioned. To scale the point above by a factor of 1.5 you can left multiply it by the following matrix 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 1 You'll get this new point 480 360 1 Which represents the original point.. than they already are. Now matrix multiplication generally isn't commutative so when adding a transformation by multiplying your matrix you need to specify whether you're left multiplying or right multiplying. The difference it makes is what.. isn't commutative so when adding a transformation by multiplying your matrix you need to specify whether you're left multiplying or right multiplying. The difference it makes is what order your transformations are chained in. By right multiplying..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION of the common ones. For example if you want to remap for a device held upright e.g. to take a photo you would want to multiply the transformation matrix by this matrix 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 before calling getOrientation and this is not one of the orientation..
Getting decibel from an android microphone microphone without ALC. From then on its basically all about the calibration and log magnitude. Essentially you will multiply or convolve by a frequency dependent calibration and then take 10 the log magnitude over all or some of the frequency range... per unit time to determine wideband spl. Or you can do an FFT on the input data to generate a frequency spectrum and multiply that by the inverse of your frequency response and take the log magnitude of whatever sum of bin s is interesting. Unfortunately..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue can be used to convert RGB to another color space with luminosity information such as L a b or HSL If so I could just multiply the matrix for that converstion then make the hue adjustment to THAT matrix then apply that matrix as the ColorFilter. ..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates with both R and I trueaccel accel R I and that didn't work either. Neither does calling to remapcoordinates and then multiply in any of the previous forms. Does anybody have an idea about what am I doing wrong android coordinates device accelerometer..
how to find the distance between two geopoints?
android compass seems unreliable if it's working or not unless you have a compass to verify which kind of defeats the point doesn't it NOTE you can multiply and sum the magnetic sensors with each other and take the square root of that sqrt x x y y z z and make sure it's between..
Android Convert Px to Dp (Video Aspect Ratio) [duplicate] .getMetrics metrics float logicalDensity metrics.density logicalDensity will then contain the factor you need to multiply dp by to get physical pixel dimensions for the device screen. int px int Math.ceil dp logicalDensity share improve this..
Problem with getFloatv function in GL11 (Android) 3D objects than the one suggested by google in the TouchRotateActivity sample . In order to do that I would like to multiply my Modelview matrix by the ModelView matrix in the previous state. But I encounter the following problem getFloatv function..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] double multiplication in java android Please note that I am converting a string value into double value. eg when I multiply two double value double d1 Double.valueOf 0.3 .doubleValue Double.valueOf 3 .doubleValue System.out.println Result of multiplication..