android Programming Glossary: murl
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) int MARGIN 4 static final int PADDING 2 private String mUrl private TwDialogListener mListener private ProgressDialog mSpinner.. context String url TwDialogListener listener super context mUrl url mListener listener @Override protected void onCreate Bundle.. .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.loadUrl mUrl mWebView.setLayoutParams FILL mContent.addView mWebView private..
Open Street Maps with Android Google Maps Api v2 mTileProvider new MyUrlTileProvider 256 256 mUrl mMap.addTileOverlay new TileOverlayOptions .tileProvider mTileProvider.. With the url for OSM defined like that String mUrl http z x y .png The MyUrlTileProvider..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? mSummary private ArrayList String mAddList private String mUrl public Data String mState String mImageUrl String mTitle String.. mTitle String mSummary ArrayList String addList String mUrl super this.mState mState this.mImageUrl mImageUrl this.mTitle.. mTitle this.mSummary mSummary this.mAddList addList this.mUrl mUrl public String getmState return mState public void setmState..
Html.ImageGetter TextView Uri blogUri intent.getData mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView TextView findViewById.. mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView TextView findViewById textView.setText..
Android WebView focus problem UI components. private WebView mContent private EditText mUrl @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files Here the download task try int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 URL mUrl new URL params 0 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection.. params 0 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection mUrl.openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET long length.. MAX_BUFFER_SIZE int length String filename getFilename mUrl File file new File SDCARD_ROOT if file.exists file.isDirectory..
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet mUrl try Faz a solicitaĆ§Ć£o HTTP HttpResponse response client.execute.. client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet mUrl try Faz a solicitaĆ§Ć£o HTTP HttpResponse response client.execute..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT static final int MARGIN 4 static final int PADDING 2 private String mUrl private TwDialogListener mListener private ProgressDialog mSpinner private WebView mWebView private LinearLayout mContent.. String TAG Twitter WebView public TwitterDialog Context context String url TwDialogListener listener super context mUrl url mListener listener @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState mSpinner.. mWebView.setWebViewClient new TwitterWebViewClient mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true mWebView.loadUrl mUrl mWebView.setLayoutParams FILL mContent.addView mWebView private class TwitterWebViewClient extends WebViewClient @Override..
Open Street Maps with Android Google Maps Api v2 URL for OSM tiled maps and add a tile overlay like that MyUrlTileProvider mTileProvider new MyUrlTileProvider 256 256 mUrl mMap.addTileOverlay new TileOverlayOptions .tileProvider mTileProvider With the url for OSM defined like that String mUrl.. mMap.addTileOverlay new TileOverlayOptions .tileProvider mTileProvider With the url for OSM defined like that String mUrl http z x y .png The MyUrlTileProvider class public class MyUrlTileProvider extends UrlTileProvider..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? String mImageUrl private String mTitle private String mSummary private ArrayList String mAddList private String mUrl public Data String mState String mImageUrl String mTitle String mSummary ArrayList String addList String mUrl super this.mState.. String mUrl public Data String mState String mImageUrl String mTitle String mSummary ArrayList String addList String mUrl super this.mState mState this.mImageUrl mImageUrl this.mTitle mTitle this.mSummary mSummary this.mAddList addList this.mUrl.. super this.mState mState this.mImageUrl mImageUrl this.mTitle mTitle this.mSummary mSummary this.mAddList addList this.mUrl mUrl public String getmState return mState public void setmState String mState this.mState mState public String getmImageUrl..
Html.ImageGetter TextView setContentView R.layout.activity_blog_view Intent intent getIntent Uri blogUri intent.getData mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView TextView findViewById textView.setText Html.fromHtml mPost.. Intent intent getIntent Uri blogUri intent.getData mPost blogUri.toString mUrl getIntent .getStringExtra mUrl TextView textView TextView findViewById textView.setText Html.fromHtml mPost imgGetter null private ImageGetter..
Android WebView focus problem is the Java code public class WebtagActivity extends Activity UI components. private WebView mContent private EditText mUrl @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main..
Android:“Unexpected end of stream” exception downloading large files and I need to download a file from a url which is 33 MB large. Here the download task try int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 URL mUrl new URL params 0 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection mUrl.openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET long.. download task try int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 URL mUrl new URL params 0 HttpURLConnection connection HttpURLConnection mUrl.openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET long length connection.getContentLength downloaded 0 int read byte buffer.. 0 int read byte buffer new byte int length MAX_BUFFER_SIZE MAX_BUFFER_SIZE int length String filename getFilename mUrl File file new File SDCARD_ROOT if file.exists file.isDirectory file.mkdir this.filename filename file new File SDCARD_ROOT..
Android HTTP Request AsyncTask Aguarde Carregando... true Cria o cliente de conexĆ£o HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet mUrl try Faz a solicitaĆ§Ć£o HTTP HttpResponse response client.execute get Pega o status da solicitaĆ§Ć£o StatusLine statusLine.. Aguarde Carregando... true Cria o cliente de conexĆ£o HttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet mUrl try Faz a solicitaĆ§Ć£o HTTP HttpResponse response client.execute get Pega o status da solicitaĆ§Ć£o StatusLine statusLine..