android Programming Glossary: multiplication
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I.. new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution multiplication in RenderScript since the final application is going to run..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? false mvpMatrix 0 Finally in their shader a vector matrix multiplication the matrix must be included as a modifier of gl_Position gl_Position..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation multiplication of matrices for rotation translation In order to rotate translate..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation represented but typically rotations are done with matrix multiplication. Basically you would take your frame of reference matrix and..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application to b_x d_x d_z r_z You can notice we are missing the multiplication by s_x r_x . This is because in our case the display size and..
How to calculate distance from different markers in a map and then pick up the least one as you don't care about actual distances i.e. remove the multiplication by the radius of the earth . Filtering algorithm looping through..
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? coordinates thus making it possible to translate using multiplication. Otherwise it would have to be represented by matrix addition.. even more complicated than they already are. Now matrix multiplication generally isn't commutative so when adding a transformation.. is rusty but I believe that in this case the matrix multiplication actually is commutative because the scale matrix is symmetric..
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? result is not integral integer addition subtraction and multiplication will overflow. Both of these happen without any warning either..
Get Latitude and Longitude from SQLite database for use in Android MapOverlay took care of this when populating the database skip the multiplication and use locationCursor.getInt ... . share improve this answer..
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] How can I overcome the precision issue with double multiplication in java android Please note that I am converting a string value.. Double.valueOf 3 .doubleValue System.out.println Result of multiplication d1 I am getting the following result 0.8999999999999999 Some..
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution multiplication in RenderScript.. a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript I am new to Android Renderscript. I need to write a convolution multiplication in RenderScript since the final application is going to run on Android. Data stream is going to be an image. More specifically..
Is Google's Android OpenGL tutorial teaching incorrect linear algebra? order. GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv mMVPMatrixHandle 1 false mvpMatrix 0 Finally in their shader a vector matrix multiplication the matrix must be included as a modifier of gl_Position gl_Position vPosition uMVPMatrix Adding this all together we get..
Appropriate multiplication of matrices for rotation/translation multiplication of matrices for rotation translation In order to rotate translate object rotation only about z axis and translation only..
Gyroscope Issues with Device Orientation about the format in which your frame of reference matrix is represented but typically rotations are done with matrix multiplication. Basically you would take your frame of reference matrix and multiply it by a 90 degrees rotation matrix. Such a matrix..
Perspective Projection in Android in an augmented reality application notation used in the Wikipedia article our equation is equivalent to b_x d_x d_z r_z You can notice we are missing the multiplication by s_x r_x . This is because in our case the display size and the recording surface are the same so s_x r_x 1 . Note Same..
How to calculate distance from different markers in a map and then pick up the least one distances and you can simplify the formula to speed it up as you don't care about actual distances i.e. remove the multiplication by the radius of the earth . Filtering algorithm looping through each location Calculate the difference in lat and long...
Android: Matrix -> what is the different between preconcat and postconcat? 1 the homogenous coordinate is necessary to make room for these coordinates thus making it possible to translate using multiplication. Otherwise it would have to be represented by matrix addition which is more intuitive to humans but would make graphics.. is more intuitive to humans but would make graphics cards even more complicated than they already are. Now matrix multiplication generally isn't commutative so when adding a transformation by multiplying your matrix you need to specify whether you're.. the same effect such as scaling and rotation my linear algebra is rusty but I believe that in this case the matrix multiplication actually is commutative because the scale matrix is symmetric that is it mirrors itself across the diagonal. But really..
Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java? in a couple of respects integer division will truncate if the result is not integral integer addition subtraction and multiplication will overflow. Both of these happen without any warning either at compile time or at runtime. share improve this answer..
Get Latitude and Longitude from SQLite database for use in Android MapOverlay
how to fix double precision issue in java [duplicate] floats and doubles how to avoid that 0.0 0.1 &hellip 0.1 0.9000001 How can I overcome the precision issue with double multiplication in java android Please note that I am converting a string value into double value. eg when I multiply two double value double.. two double value double d1 Double.valueOf 0.3 .doubleValue Double.valueOf 3 .doubleValue System.out.println Result of multiplication d1 I am getting the following result 0.8999999999999999 Some of the results that i am getting are. 0.6 3 1.7999999999999998..