android Programming Glossary: mmapfragment
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 map private GoogleMap mMap private SupportMapFragment mMapFragment private TextView mToggleMapa private boolean isMapVisible false.. so we set a tag instead and search for it using that. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment getChildFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag.. We only create a fragment if it doesn't already exist. if mMapFragment null To programmatically add the map we first create a SupportMapFragment...
Google Play Service - SupportMapFragment.getMap() always returning null [duplicate] extends FragmentActivity private SupportMapFragment mMapFragment @Override protected void onCreate Bundle arg0 super.onCreate.. .findFragmentById null mMapFragment CustomMapFragment.newInstance getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction.. .findFragmentById null mMapFragment CustomMapFragment.newInstance getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add..
Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time of the classic getFragmentManager to create the fragment. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.. .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment mMapFragment.. fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment mMapFragment as you will need it to retrieve the GoogleMap object GoogleMap..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue 120.696745 private GoogleMap map SupportMapFragment mMapFragment public MapsFragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater.. getFragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap mMapFragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction.. .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit return rootView Map_fragment.xml..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 utility methods. private static final String MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG map private GoogleMap mMap private SupportMapFragment mMapFragment private TextView mToggleMapa private boolean isMapVisible false @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater.. code It isn't possible to set a fragment's id programmatically so we set a tag instead and search for it using that. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment getChildFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG We only create a fragment if it doesn't already.. getChildFragmentManager .findFragmentByTag MAP_FRAGMENT_TAG We only create a fragment if it doesn't already exist. if mMapFragment null To programmatically add the map we first create a SupportMapFragment. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance options..
Google Play Service - SupportMapFragment.getMap() always returning null [duplicate] visible on the screen Here is the code public class MapActivity extends FragmentActivity private SupportMapFragment mMapFragment @Override protected void onCreate Bundle arg0 super.onCreate arg0 setupMap @Override protected void onResume super.onResume.. void run setupMap 5000 private void setupMap if getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById null mMapFragment CustomMapFragment.newInstance getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add mMapFragment .commit GoogleMap.. 5000 private void setupMap if getSupportFragmentManager .findFragmentById null mMapFragment CustomMapFragment.newInstance getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add mMapFragment .commit GoogleMap map mMapFragment.getMap..
Error opening SupportMapFragment for second time and be sure you use getChildFragmentMananger instead of the classic getFragmentManager to create the fragment. mMapFragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add.. fragmentTransaction getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit Keep this SupportMapFragment mMapFragment as you will need it to retrieve the GoogleMap object..
Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is probably an authentication issue extends Fragment static final LatLng NKUT new LatLng 23.979548 120.696745 private GoogleMap map SupportMapFragment mMapFragment public MapsFragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState.. R.layout.map_fragment container false map SupportMapFragment getFragmentManager .findFragmentById .getMap mMapFragment SupportMapFragment.newInstance FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add.. FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction getFragmentManager .beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.add mMapFragment fragmentTransaction.commit return rootView Map_fragment.xml RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res..