

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:19:30

android Programming Glossary: mlistener

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


ProgressDialog mProgressDlg private TwDialogListener mListener private Context context private static final String TAG TwitterApp.. public void setListener TwDialogListener listener mListener listener private void configureToken if mAccessToken null mTwitter.setOAuthConsumer.. value @Override public void onError String value mListener.onError Failed opening authorization page new TwitterDialog..

How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2?


LocationListener private OnLocationChangedListener mListener private LocationManager locationManager private final Criteria.. updates to it when we receive them from Location Manager. mListener listener Request location updates from Location Manager if.. from Location Manager locationManager.removeUpdates this mListener null @Override public void onLocationChanged Location location..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


void colorChanged int color private OnColorChangedListener mListener private int mInitialColor private static class ColorPickerView.. private final int mColors private OnColorChangedListener mListener ColorPickerView Context c OnColorChangedListener l int color.. Context c OnColorChangedListener l int color super c mListener l mColors new int 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF00FF 0xFF0000FF 0xFF00FFFF..

How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask?


extends AsyncTask Void Void Boolean private MyInterface mListener public AsyncConnectTask Context context String address String.. address String user String pass int port MyInterface mListener mContext context _address address _user user _pass pass _port.. _address address _user user _pass pass _port port this.mListener mListener @Override protected Boolean doInBackground Void.....

How to implement expandable panels in Android?


private int mAnimationDuration 0 private OnExpandListener mListener public ExpandablePanel Context context this context null public.. Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mListener new DefaultOnExpandListener TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes.. public void setOnExpandListener OnExpandListener listener mListener listener public void setCollapsedHeight int collapsedHeight..

ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


mLoadMessagesTask private OnMessageListActionListener mListener define callback interface public interface OnMessageListActionListener.. Activity activity super.onAttach activity setting callback mListener OnMessageListActionListener activity mIsLastMessages activity.. setListAdapter mAdapter @Override public void onResume mListener.onMessageInitialisation super.onResume public void onListItemClick..

In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box)


private String mConsumerKey private String mSecretKey private ProgressDialog mProgressDlg private TwDialogListener mListener private Context context private static final String TAG TwitterApp static String oauth_verifier protected static String.. AUTHORIZE_URL mAccessToken mSession.getAccessToken configureToken public void setListener TwDialogListener listener mListener listener private void configureToken if mAccessToken null mTwitter.setOAuthConsumer mConsumerKey mSecretKey mTwitter.setOAuthAccessToken.. @Override public void onComplete String value processToken value @Override public void onError String value mListener.onError Failed opening authorization page new TwitterDialog context url listener .show @SuppressLint HandlerLeak private..

How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2?


private class FollowMeLocationSource implements LocationSource LocationListener private OnLocationChangedListener mListener private LocationManager locationManager private final Criteria criteria new Criteria private String bestAvailableProvider.. location layer's listener so we can push forward location updates to it when we receive them from Location Manager. mListener listener Request location updates from Location Manager if bestAvailableProvider null locationManager.requestLocationUpdates.. @Override public void deactivate Remove location updates from Location Manager locationManager.removeUpdates this mListener null @Override public void onLocationChanged Location location Push location updates to the registered listener.. this..

Android color picker to be included in the activity


extends Dialog public interface OnColorChangedListener void colorChanged int color private OnColorChangedListener mListener private int mInitialColor private static class ColorPickerView extends View private Paint mPaint private Paint mCenterPaint.. extends View private Paint mPaint private Paint mCenterPaint private final int mColors private OnColorChangedListener mListener ColorPickerView Context c OnColorChangedListener l int color super c mListener l mColors new int 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF00FF.. mColors private OnColorChangedListener mListener ColorPickerView Context c OnColorChangedListener l int color super c mListener l mColors new int 0xFFFF0000 0xFFFF00FF 0xFF0000FF 0xFF00FFFF 0xFF00FF00 0xFFFFFF00 0xFFFF0000 Shader s new SweepGradient..

How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask?


void myMethod boolean result public class AsyncConnectTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Boolean private MyInterface mListener public AsyncConnectTask Context context String address String user String pass int port MyInterface mListener mContext context.. mListener public AsyncConnectTask Context context String address String user String pass int port MyInterface mListener mContext context _address address _user user _pass pass _port port this.mListener mListener @Override protected Boolean.. String pass int port MyInterface mListener mContext context _address address _user user _pass pass _port port this.mListener mListener @Override protected Boolean doInBackground Void... params .... return result @Override protected void onPostExecute..

How to implement expandable panels in Android?


private int mCollapsedHeight 0 private int mContentHeight 0 private int mAnimationDuration 0 private OnExpandListener mListener public ExpandablePanel Context context this context null public ExpandablePanel Context context AttributeSet attrs super.. Context context this context null public ExpandablePanel Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs mListener new DefaultOnExpandListener TypedArray a context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.ExpandablePanel 0 0 How high the.. child. mHandleId handleId mContentId contentId a.recycle public void setOnExpandListener OnExpandListener listener mListener listener public void setCollapsedHeight int collapsedHeight mCollapsedHeight collapsedHeight public void setAnimationDuration..

ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


private MessageArrayAdapter mAdapter private LoadMessagesTask mLoadMessagesTask private OnMessageListActionListener mListener define callback interface public interface OnMessageListActionListener public void onMessageInitialisation public void onMessageSelected.. Message selectedMessage @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity setting callback mListener OnMessageListActionListener activity mIsLastMessages activity instanceof DashboardActivity @Override public View onCreateView.. mAdapter new MessageArrayAdapter getActivity mMessagesList setListAdapter mAdapter @Override public void onResume mListener.onMessageInitialisation super.onResume public void onListItemClick ListView l View v int position long id Message selectedMessage..