android Programming Glossary: mainmenu.this
Get location of wifi ip in android
Can a broadcastReceiver catch multiple broadcasts? new Intent PROX_ALERT_INTENT poiName intent.putExtras extras PendingIntent proximityIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast MainMenu.this requestCode intent 0 locationManager.addProximityAlert latitude the latitude of the central point of the alert region longitude.. PROX_ALERT_INTENT intent.putExtra PROX_ALERT_INTENT extras PendingIntent proximityIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast MainMenu.this requestCode intent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT locationManager.addProximityAlert latitude the latitude of the central..
show progressbar on button click when going from 1 intent to other and data is coming from server is given below. cuurentloc.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v Intent i new Intent MainMenu.this currentlocmap.class startActivity i Actually I know asynchronous task but using this I will be able to show progress bar.. @Override protected void onPostExecute final Boolean success if dialog.isShowing dialog.dismiss Intent i new Intent MainMenu.this currentlocmap.class startActivity i protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args try load data from server ..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? EDIT Set the imageAdapter to load images in Gallery Gallery findViewById .setAdapter new ImageAdapter MainMenu.this android share improve this question protected Drawable Imagehandler String url try url url.replaceAll 20 InputStream..