android Programming Glossary: main.class
How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity? contentView Intent notificationIntent new Intent context Main.class notificationIntent.putExtra item_id 1001 HERE I PUT THE EXTRA..
How to solve for viewpager : The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first root.findViewById .setText Hello return root Main.class public class Main extends Fragment implements GPSCallback ........
Android licensing application not works? .show Intent intent new Intent Splash.this Main.class startActivity intent finish Should allow user access. so do..
why my splash screen don't show the images? public void run startActivity new Intent getApplication Main.class MainActivity.this.finish @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu.. finally startActivity new Intent getApplication Main.class MainActivity.this.finish timer.start Splash.xml Remember..
Android: How to resume an App from a Notification? msg text Intent notificationIntent new Intent this Main.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this..
Start service in android Hello World Intent notificationIntent new Intent this Main.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0..
Removing spaces from string url ur input l Intent myIntent new Intent start.this Main.class myIntent.putExtra URL url start.this.startActivity myIntent..
How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity? 100 0 false notif.contentView contentView Intent notificationIntent new Intent context Main.class notificationIntent.putExtra item_id 1001 HERE I PUT THE EXTRA VALUE PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity..
How to solve for viewpager : The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first root ViewGroup inflater.inflate R.layout.history null TextView root.findViewById .setText Hello return root Main.class public class Main extends Fragment implements GPSCallback ...... public static Fragment newInstance int position Main f..
Android licensing application not works? is finishing. return Toast.makeText Splash.this Success Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show Intent intent new Intent Splash.this Main.class startActivity intent finish Should allow user access. so do nothing @Override public void dontAllow int reason TODO Auto..
why my splash screen don't show the images? new SplashHandler 7000 class SplashHandler implements Runnable public void run startActivity new Intent getApplication Main.class MainActivity.this.finish @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu Inflate the menu this adds items to the.. try sleep 2500 catch InterruptedException e e.printStackTrace finally startActivity new Intent getApplication Main.class MainActivity.this.finish timer.start Splash.xml Remember splash image should be png xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
Android: How to resume an App from a Notification? title CharSequence contentText string Program Running... expanded msg text Intent notificationIntent new Intent this Main.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 notificationIntent 0 the next two lines initialize the Notification..
Start service in android contentTitle My notification CharSequence contentText Hello World Intent notificationIntent new Intent this Main.class PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity this 0 notificationIntent 0 notification.setLatestEventInfo context..
Removing spaces from string input EditTextinput.getText .toString input String.replace url ur input l Intent myIntent new Intent start.this Main.class myIntent.putExtra URL url start.this.startActivity myIntent break android string replace trim share improve this question..