android Programming Glossary: mainactivity.this.getlistview
How to get location (on screen) of row in listview velocityX float velocityY if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY int itemId MainActivity.this.getListView .pointToPosition int e1.getX int e1.getY Offer order Offer MainActivity.this.getListView .getAdapter .getItem itemId View.. int itemId MainActivity.this.getListView .pointToPosition int e1.getX int e1.getY Offer order Offer MainActivity.this.getListView .getAdapter .getItem itemId View v MainActivity.this.getListView .getChildAt itemId I want to display a view over the top.. int e1.getX int e1.getY Offer order Offer MainActivity.this.getListView .getAdapter .getItem itemId View v MainActivity.this.getListView .getChildAt itemId I want to display a view over the top of the swiped row with a set of context sensitive options for..