android Programming Glossary: logwrapper
Can't run a java android program with valgrind adb root adb shell setprop logwrapper data local echo
Logcat errors when running android emulator 61 Could not open GPS configuration file etc gps.conf E logwrapper 125 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory.. executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 126 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory.. executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 127 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? libmediaplayerservice logcat dumpstate libmincrypt logwrapper make 1 Leaving directory ` home myuser WORKING_DIRECTORY' rm..
How to start an android app with valgrind setprop adb shell setprop logwrapper valgrind And here's how I start the app adb shell am start n.. above. So adb shell setprop logwrapper data local I'm still not seeing anything in logcat. .. this instead. adb shell setprop logwrapper data local Inst bin valgrind You should be able to pass in the..
Can't run a java android program with valgrind data local adb shell chmod 777 data local adb root adb shell setprop logwrapper data local echo adb shell getprop adb shell..
Logcat errors when running android emulator 402 E ThrottleService 61 Could not open GPS configuration file etc gps.conf E logwrapper 125 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 126 executing system bin tc failed No such file.. open GPS configuration file etc gps.conf E logwrapper 125 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 126 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 127 executing system bin tc failed No such file.. bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 126 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory E logwrapper 127 executing system bin tc failed No such file or directory I'd like to try to clean these up so that I can know for sure..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? dump_regions libmedia_jni localize zipalign DumpRenderTree libmediaplayerservice logcat dumpstate libmincrypt logwrapper make 1 Leaving directory ` home myuser WORKING_DIRECTORY' rm rf .c~ rm rf .mod rm rf .o You'll notice a few screwy warnings..
How to start an android app with valgrind exec data local Inst bin valgrind VGPARAMS And here's setprop adb shell setprop logwrapper valgrind And here's how I start the app adb shell am start n com.starlon.froyvisuals .FroyVisuals I don't think this is.. Edit2 Oh the shell script is indicated with setprop command above. So adb shell setprop logwrapper data local I'm still not seeing anything in logcat. android android ndk valgrind gdbserver share improve this.. .HelloJni I had problems with my shell script and i used this instead. adb shell setprop logwrapper data local Inst bin valgrind You should be able to pass in the parameter right after valgrind share improve this answer..