android Programming Glossary: logging
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in &ldquo remote_app_id does not match stored id&rdquo while logging in I'm trying to build a app that uses Facebook SDK for Android..
Android logging logging I am having lots of logging statements to debug for example... logging I am having lots of logging statements to debug for example. Log.v TAG Message here Log.w.. application on device phone i want to turn off the verbose logging from where i can enable disable logging. android logging ..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign out button on each..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically just some safety built in if uri null TODO perform some logging or show user feedback return null try to retrieve the image..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) Exceptions are displayed. The first Entry to every logging call is the log tag which identifies the source of the log message...
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? all debug logging calls before publishing are there tools to do this According.. 5 of the publication checklist Make sure you deactivate logging and disable the debugging option before you build your application.. you build your application for release. You can deactivate logging by removing calls to Log methods in your source files. My open..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity will run in the background and do some gps and time based logging. I will have an Activity that will be used to start and stop..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] with Eclipse resort everyone back to 1991 with printf like logging at every interval then to track down bugs Seriously. Is there..
Android - Camera preview is sideways e This was on an HTC Desire and I had to initially put in logging statements in each of the rotation checks to say what the rotation..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market the Intent if the Intent is even broadcast and I get no logging output. Am I going wrong somewhere or is the Market no longer..
Disable back button in android in android How to disable back button in android while logging out the application android button back share improve this..
Android post picture to Facebook wall to post a picture to my wall on Facebook. I have managed logging in and posting text to the wall. However when I try posting..
Detecting toast messages to write an application which logs Toast messages. Logging which application showed it and what the message displayed contained...
Android resource selection layout- and values- inconsistencies context. configurationContext.getResourceQualifier ... Logging output from when I run this code on a Nexus 7 type device Logging.. output from when I run this code on a Nexus 7 type device Logging fluff Smallest width is 600 Logging fluff Running under the.. a Nexus 7 type device Logging fluff Smallest width is 600 Logging fluff Running under the layout large land configuration context...
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard configuration common for all Android apps # Remove Logging statements assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log public..
Post to facebook after login fails Android android value @string app_id For Logging and and Logging out you can simply use Facebook Login Button.. android value @string app_id For Logging and and Logging out you can simply use Facebook Login Button widget com.facebook.widget.LoginButton..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException authorizeCallback public void logout Log.w LOG_TAG Logging out... mSelectedAccount null public void authorizeCallback Log.w..
Logging to a file on Android to a file on Android Is there any way of retrieving log messages..
Restful API service new ProgressDialog Login.this progressDialog.setMessage Logging you in... application ApplicationState getApplication..
How to call Java methods from C++ in JNI up in the LogCat output. There are two solutions. Use the Logging macros provided by the NDK that allow you to log messages to..
Android Production Logging Best Practice [closed] Production Logging Best Practice closed What are the best practices for logging..
Android Proguard skip external jar 49 TestProject Warning twitter4j.internal.logging.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory can't find referenced class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.. 49 TestProject Warning twitter4j.internal.logging.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory can't find referenced class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.. to yet more library jars Mortbay SLF4J Apache Commons Logging Log4j ... Adding these jars with extra ' libraryjars' options..
Logging SQL queries in android SQL queries in android I am using the query functions in order..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore like method. I want to do this because of MapView Key Logging LicenseChecker and stuff like this. android apk signature ..
Performing login to https website via Android app array TODO Auto generated method stub Toast.makeText this Logging in... Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show WebView wv new WebView this this.setContentView..
Stream android logcat output to an sd card API instead of using Logcat or the Android Logging mechanism. Like the Android logging API the java.util.logging..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application protected void onPreExecute this.dialog.setMessage Logging in... protected Void doInBackground final.. protected void onPreExecute this.dialog.setMessage Logging in... protected Void doInBackground final..
Android Log.v(), Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w(), Log.e() - When to use each one? What are the appropriate situations to use each type of Logging I know that perhaps it's just a little bit of semantics and..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in Facebook SDK 3.0 gives &ldquo remote_app_id does not match stored id&rdquo while logging in I'm trying to build a app that uses Facebook SDK for Android 3.0. But when I'm trying to call Session.openActiveSession..
Android logging logging I am having lots of logging statements to debug for example. Log.v TAG Message here Log.w TAG WARNING HERE while deploying.. logging I am having lots of logging statements to debug for example. Log.v TAG Message here Log.w TAG WARNING HERE while deploying this application on device.. Message here Log.w TAG WARNING HERE while deploying this application on device phone i want to turn off the verbose logging from where i can enable disable logging. android logging share improve this question A common way is to make an int..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? do I pass data between activities in Android I have a scenario where after logging in through a login page there will be sign out button on each activity. On clicking signout I will be passing the session..
Get/pick an image from Android's built-in Gallery app programmatically the path of an image URI public String getPath Uri uri just some safety built in if uri null TODO perform some logging or show user feedback return null try to retrieve the image from the media store first this will only work for images..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) output as that is also where the Stack Traces of any uncaught Exceptions are displayed. The first Entry to every logging call is the log tag which identifies the source of the log message. This is helpful as you can filter the output of the..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? all debug logging calls before publishing are there tools to do this According to Google I must deactivate any calls to Log methods in the.. code before publishing my Android app. Extract from section 5 of the publication checklist Make sure you deactivate logging and disable the debugging option before you build your application for release. You can deactivate logging by removing calls.. deactivate logging and disable the debugging option before you build your application for release. You can deactivate logging by removing calls to Log methods in your source files. My open source project is large and it is a pain to do it manually..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity between services and activities. I have a Service that will run in the background and do some gps and time based logging. I will have an Activity that will be used to start and stop the Service. So first I need to be able to figure out if the..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] baffled that this IDE can't get this right. Does developing with Eclipse resort everyone back to 1991 with printf like logging at every interval then to track down bugs Seriously. Is there a configuration or plug in that I'm missing to help with this..
Android - Camera preview is sideways catch Exception e Log.d APP_CLASS Cannot start preview e This was on an HTC Desire and I had to initially put in logging statements in each of the rotation checks to say what the rotation was and then debugged on the device and watched the logCat..
Get referrer after installing app from Android Market when the app is installed the receiver doesn't seem to catch the Intent if the Intent is even broadcast and I get no logging output. Am I going wrong somewhere or is the Market no longer launching these Intents when an app is installed android..
Disable back button in android back button in android How to disable back button in android while logging out the application android button back share improve this question Override the onBackPressed method and do nothing..
Android post picture to Facebook wall post picture to Facebook wall I am trying to post a picture to my wall on Facebook. I have managed logging in and posting text to the wall. However when I try posting the picture nothing happens. I am using the Android Facebook..
Detecting toast messages SDK documentation yet . But I could do with knowing if its possible to write an application which logs Toast messages. Logging which application showed it and what the message displayed contained. This is an entirely personal endeavour to create an..
Android resource selection layout- and values- inconsistencies .getSimpleName String.format Running under the s configuration context. configurationContext.getResourceQualifier ... Logging output from when I run this code on a Nexus 7 type device Logging fluff Smallest width is 600 Logging fluff Running under.. configurationContext.getResourceQualifier ... Logging output from when I run this code on a Nexus 7 type device Logging fluff Smallest width is 600 Logging fluff Running under the layout large land configuration context. I know what you are.. ... Logging output from when I run this code on a Nexus 7 type device Logging fluff Smallest width is 600 Logging fluff Running under the layout large land configuration context. I know what you are thinking where did that layout large..
NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard public static final android.os.Parcelable Creator ## End proguard configuration common for all Android apps # Remove Logging statements assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log public static d ... public static v ... public static e ... public..
Post to facebook after login fails Android a MetaTag in your manifest file meta data android name com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId android value @string app_id For Logging and and Logging out you can simply use Facebook Login Button widget com.facebook.widget.LoginButton . This widget manages.. manifest file meta data android name com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId android value @string app_id For Logging and and Logging out you can simply use Facebook Login Button widget com.facebook.widget.LoginButton . This widget manages the Sessions automatically..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException void loginCallback String accountName mSelectedAccount accountName authorizeCallback public void logout Log.w LOG_TAG Logging out... mSelectedAccount null public void authorizeCallback Log.w LOG_TAG User authorized AsyncTask Void Void String task..
Logging to a file on Android to a file on Android Is there any way of retrieving log messages from an Android handset. I'm building an application which..
Restful API service calling as required in this example for login progressDialog new ProgressDialog Login.this progressDialog.setMessage Logging you in... application ApplicationState getApplication servicemanager application.getServiceManager servicemanager.setHandler..
How to call Java methods from C++ in JNI this question C calls to cout and printf will not show up in the LogCat output. There are two solutions. Use the Logging macros provided by the NDK that allow you to log messages to LogCat. This is good for new code and wrapper code you are..
Android Production Logging Best Practice [closed] Production Logging Best Practice closed What are the best practices for logging in Android apps in production mode keeping in mind the following..
Android Proguard skip external jar class org.mortbay.jetty.HttpFields 2011 02 06 09 02 49 TestProject Warning twitter4j.internal.logging.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory can't find referenced class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory 2011 02 06 09 02 49 TestProject Warning twitter4j.internal.logging.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory.. class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory 2011 02 06 09 02 49 TestProject Warning twitter4j.internal.logging.CommonsLoggingLoggerFactory can't find referenced class org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory 2011 02 06 09 02 49 TestProject Warning twitter4j.internal.logging.SLF4JLoggerFactory.. proguard share improve this question Your library jars refer to yet more library jars Mortbay SLF4J Apache Commons Logging Log4j ... Adding these jars with extra ' libraryjars' options should solve the problem. If you are absolutely sure that..
Logging SQL queries in android SQL queries in android I am using the query functions in order to build the SQL queries for my tables. Is there a way to..
Android compare signature of current package with debug.keystore but in Signature class there is not md5 fingerprint like method. I want to do this because of MapView Key Logging LicenseChecker and stuff like this. android apk signature share improve this question The signature in PackageInfo..
Performing login to https website via Android app quite a bit on the Internet private void start_login String array TODO Auto generated method stub Toast.makeText this Logging in... Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show WebView wv new WebView this this.setContentView wv try ArrayList NameValuePair nameValuePairs..
Stream android logcat output to an sd card misunderstanding your goals but perhaps you could use the java.util.logging API instead of using Logcat or the Android Logging mechanism. Like the Android logging API the java.util.logging API allows you to easily log messages at various levels such..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application private final ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog Login.this protected void onPreExecute this.dialog.setMessage Logging in... protected Void doInBackground final Void... unused auth doLogin lalit lalit return null don't.. private final ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog Login.this protected void onPreExecute this.dialog.setMessage Logging in... protected Void doInBackground final Void... unused boolean auth doLogin user_id password System.out.println..
Android Log.v(), Log.d(), Log.i(), Log.w(), Log.e() - When to use each one? Log.v Verbose Log.d Debug Log.i Info Log.w Warning Log.e Error What are the appropriate situations to use each type of Logging I know that perhaps it's just a little bit of semantics and perhaps it doesn't really matter but for LogCat filtering in..