android Programming Glossary: logical
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? developers do not do this. Out of ease readability and logical program flow many developers utilize Anonymous Inner Classes..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] interval init_vel fin_vel time_prev temp_time Is there any logical mistake in the code Because I am getting values much smaller..
Android SQLite and huge data sets the error message suggests more directly. If there is a logical way to divide your queries into discrete chunks you could do..
Displaying emoticons in Android it can be messy. Is there an easier and more logical way android dynamic imageview emoticons share improve this..
onActivityResult() called prematurely
How to connect to a Remote Database with Webservices? connect to the web service and the web service will do the logical operations to get the necesary data from the D.B. and will send..
Resizing/Scaling Down Android Widgets (DatePicker and TimePicker) so using the native DatePicker and TimePicker seems like a logical choice to me. If anyone knows how to scale these widgets down..
VideoView black flash before and after playing be completely hidden right from the start. So the only logical step for me was to post a delayed event just before I start..
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device other type of popup UI element. At least that is the only logical way I can understand it. Can you confirm that a 'long' press..
Safely wipe file content assumption because the on board controller reassigns logical block addresses to new blocks of physical memory on writes as..
android vcard string to contact a vCard by Bluetooth at least which is of course quite logical . If I 'open' the vCard on my phone I get a 'chooser' asking..
How to make Drag & Drop Button in Android xml file. I know that it is deprecated but it seemed more logical to use that then a RelativeLayout and trying to set the margins..
email: Which are Intent.ACTION_SEND return values? Activity could return different resultCodes for the same logical outcome. In my testing the text messaging app in the emulator..
How can I get root permissions through the Android SDK? want to make an application which has to run as root. The logical thing would be to add a root permission in the Android Manifest...
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT which seems logical everything goes as expected until we lock unlock the phone...
Asynchronous programming best practices keep your code clean name your variables and methods in a logical manner and especially in a correct way. Always always understand..
Add new items to top of list view on Android? I don't know for certain that this will work but it seems logical. Basically just make sure to add the item at the beginning of..
Can an Android NFC phone act as an NFC tag? uses its own protocol on top of the LLCP protocol NFC logical link protocol which would then prevent most readers from treating..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change I have around 10.000 users without complaint so it seemed logical to just copy this logic into the new Fragment Based Design but..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off think it is a bug which I still strongly believe is a logical flaw or they don't have the time resources to correct it. Bottomline..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? above you should run into few problem. The reality is that many developers do not do this. Out of ease readability and logical program flow many developers utilize Anonymous Inner Classes to define their Runnables such as the example you create above...
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] interval distance init_vel interval 0.5f temp_acc interval interval init_vel fin_vel time_prev temp_time Is there any logical mistake in the code Because I am getting values much smaller than the actual length. Output of LogCat beginning of dev..
Android SQLite and huge data sets question. CursorWindow only supports 1MB of data which is what the error message suggests more directly. If there is a logical way to divide your queries into discrete chunks you could do incremental queries and use CursorJoiner to stitch them together..
Displaying emoticons in Android the emoticon and another TextView. If more emoticons sent simultaneously it can be messy. Is there an easier and more logical way android dynamic imageview emoticons share improve this question I would try using a regular expression to replace..
onActivityResult() called prematurely
How to connect to a Remote Database with Webservices? on the remote DB server. Whith my Android APP i have to connect to the web service and the web service will do the logical operations to get the necesary data from the D.B. and will send them to me. OK the web service is not a problem i have a..
Resizing/Scaling Down Android Widgets (DatePicker and TimePicker) as possible matching the Android OS UI as much as possible so using the native DatePicker and TimePicker seems like a logical choice to me. If anyone knows how to scale these widgets down rather than cropping them I'd really appreciate it. Thanks...
VideoView black flash before and after playing must also not be set in the beginning otherwise the video would be completely hidden right from the start. So the only logical step for me was to post a delayed event just before I start the video and since I know the video length I let this event..
onCreateContextMenu() for EditText doesn't work on real device that is what you are seeing is NOT a ContextMenu and is some other type of popup UI element. At least that is the only logical way I can understand it. Can you confirm that a 'long' press still doesn't create a ContextMenu for you or have you been..
Safely wipe file content any medium with limited write cycles e.g. flash this is an unsafe assumption because the on board controller reassigns logical block addresses to new blocks of physical memory on writes as a way to delay reaching the write cycle limit on any physical..
android vcard string to contact yes good point. I can confirm that it works when receiving a vCard by Bluetooth at least which is of course quite logical . If I 'open' the vCard on my phone I get a 'chooser' asking me if I want to use 'File Editor' or 'People' the HTC contacts..
How to make Drag & Drop Button in Android work I had to use an AbsoluteLayout as the parent view in my xml file. I know that it is deprecated but it seemed more logical to use that then a RelativeLayout and trying to set the margins dynamically to move the view around. The formula that I..
email: Which are Intent.ACTION_SEND return values? sure which Activity will end up handling your intent and each Activity could return different resultCodes for the same logical outcome. In my testing the text messaging app in the emulator returned zero no matter the outcome. share improve this answer..
How can I get root permissions through the Android SDK? the Android SDK I'm learning Android programming and I want to make an application which has to run as root. The logical thing would be to add a root permission in the Android Manifest. I saw this link in the documentation and especially noted..
Fighting with SurfaceView, Camera and OpenGL addContentView mInfoView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT which seems logical everything goes as expected until we lock unlock the phone. After that the GLSurfaceView just disappears not the InfoView..
Asynchronous programming best practices implemented things in a nice and correct way. Last word keep your code clean name your variables and methods in a logical manner and especially in a correct way. Always always understand where you are in your code that is very important. share..
Add new items to top of list view on Android? 0 obj listAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged listView.scrollTo 0 0 I don't know for certain that this will work but it seems logical. Basically just make sure to add the item at the beginning of the list position 0 refresh the list adapter and scroll to..
Can an Android NFC phone act as an NFC tag? could possibly act as a tag. However I'm not sure if android uses its own protocol on top of the LLCP protocol NFC logical link protocol which would then prevent most readers from treating the phone as an nfc tag. Card emulation mode the phone..
Android Fragments. Retaining an AsyncTask during screen rotation or configuration change new Login Succesful Activity This code is working fine I have around 10.000 users without complaint so it seemed logical to just copy this logic into the new Fragment Based Design but of course it isnt working. Here is the LoginFragment public..
Android accelerometer not working when screen is turned off but are not trying to correct this because either they don't think it is a bug which I still strongly believe is a logical flaw or they don't have the time resources to correct it. Bottomline If you have a cellphone that does not send accelerometer..