android Programming Glossary: logger.debug
get application name from package name if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED.. if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED.. if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString android share improve this..
ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children rows. Here is my code that iterates over the visible rows Logger.debug First visible index f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition Logger.debug.. First visible index f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition Logger.debug Last visible index f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition for int.. tag asdf Remove when bug is fixed. if f_listView null Logger.debug f_listView is null else if f_listView.getChildAt i null Logger.debug..
get application name from package name TODO Auto generated method stub String action intent.getAction if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData.. Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData.. Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString if action.equals android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED Logger.debug DATA intent.getData .toString android share improve this question You can use PackageManager class to obtain ApplicationInfo..
ListView getChildAt returning null for visible children visible but it is returning null for some of the visible rows. Here is my code that iterates over the visible rows Logger.debug First visible index f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition Logger.debug Last visible index f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition.. is my code that iterates over the visible rows Logger.debug First visible index f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition Logger.debug Last visible index f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition for int i f_listView.getFirstVisiblePosition i f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition.. i f_listView.getLastVisiblePosition i String tag asdf Remove when bug is fixed. if f_listView null Logger.debug f_listView is null else if f_listView.getChildAt i null Logger.debug Child at index i is null else tag String f_listView.getChildAt..