android Programming Glossary: long.valueof
Implement pause/resume in file downloading bytes .length .split downloadedSize Long.valueOf connectionRanges 0 if connectionField null outputFileCache.exists..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called int startId super.onStartCommand intent flags startId now Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis mLocationClient new LocationClient.. lastbestStaleLocation.getLongitude in Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis now ms if mLocationClient.isConnected.. LOCATION location locationBroadcast.putExtra TIME Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis now ms LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance..
Converting Timestamp as String to Date in android Try something similar to this. Time time new Time time.set Long.valueOf yourTimeString If you really need a Date object just try this...
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? values.put TYPE Integer.valueOf callType values.put DATE Long.valueOf start values.put DURATION Long.valueOf duration values.put.. values.put DATE Long.valueOf start values.put DURATION Long.valueOf duration values.put NEW Integer.valueOf 1 if ci null values.put..
Implement pause/resume in file downloading if connectionField null String connectionRanges connectionField.substring bytes .length .split downloadedSize Long.valueOf connectionRanges 0 if connectionField null outputFileCache.exists outputFileCache.delete fileLength connection.getContentLength..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called @Override public int onStartCommand Intent intent int flags int startId super.onStartCommand intent flags startId now Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis mLocationClient new LocationClient this this this mLocationClient.connect return START_STICKY @Override.. Last best location returned lastbestStaleLocation.getLatitude lastbestStaleLocation.getLongitude in Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis now ms if mLocationClient.isConnected mLocationClient.disconnect handler.postDelayed onFusedLocationProviderTimeout.. FusedLocationService.LOCATION_RECEIVED locationBroadcast.putExtra LOCATION location locationBroadcast.putExtra TIME Long.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis now ms LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance this .sendBroadcast locationBroadcast stopSelf @Override..
Converting Timestamp as String to Date in android share improve this question Just use the Time class. Try something similar to this. Time time new Time time.set Long.valueOf yourTimeString If you really need a Date object just try this. Date date new Date Long.parse yourTimeString share improve..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? values new ContentValues 5 values.put NUMBER number values.put TYPE Integer.valueOf callType values.put DATE Long.valueOf start values.put DURATION Long.valueOf duration values.put NEW Integer.valueOf 1 if ci null values.put CACHED_NAME NUMBER number values.put TYPE Integer.valueOf callType values.put DATE Long.valueOf start values.put DURATION Long.valueOf duration values.put NEW Integer.valueOf 1 if ci null values.put CACHED_NAME values.put CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE ci.numberType..