android Programming Glossary: longi
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called String provider Log.w TAG PROVEDOR provider DESABILITADO @Override public void onLocationChanged Location location longitudeGPS location.getLongitude latitudeGPS location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedGPS LAT latitudeGPS longi longitudeGPS.. longitudeGPS location.getLongitude latitudeGPS location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedGPS LAT latitudeGPS longi longitudeGPS gpsComSinal true LocationListener locationListenerNET new LocationListener @Override public void onStatusChanged.. location.getLongitude latitudeGPS location.getLatitude Log.d TAG LocationChangedGPS LAT latitudeGPS longi longitudeGPS gpsComSinal true LocationListener locationListenerNET new LocationListener @Override public void onStatusChanged..
LocationManager don't get the right results don't get the right results I am using LocationManager to convert from lat longi to get the city name but I am getting wrong results I think there is something wrong in this code here locationManager LocationManager..
How To Get Location Using AsyncTask extends AsyncTask String Integer String ProgressDialog progDailog null public double lati 0.0 public double longi 0.0 public LocationManager mLocationManager public VeggsterLocationListener mVeggsterLocationListener @Override protected.. void onPostExecute String result progDailog.dismiss Toast.makeText FastMainActivity.this LATITUDE lati LONGITUDE longi Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show @Override protected String doInBackground String... params TODO Auto generated method stub while.. location.getLatitude LocatorService.myLongitude location.getLongitude lati location.getLatitude longi location.getLongitude catch Exception e progDailog.dismiss Toast.makeText getApplicationContext Unable to get Location..