android Programming Glossary: logging_tag
Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS? net ppp0 statistics tx_bytes private static final String LOGGING_TAG TrafficStatsFile.class.getSimpleName public long getMobileRxBytes.. f new File filename if f.exists if f.canRead try Log.d LOGGING_TAG f.length f.length String contents IOUtils.readFileAsString f.. contents catch NumberFormatException nfex Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are not numeric filename else Log.w LOGGING_TAG..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused?
Can someone explain how TrafficStats works its magic in the Android OS? tx_bytes private static final String mobileTxFile_2 sys class net ppp0 statistics tx_bytes private static final String LOGGING_TAG TrafficStatsFile.class.getSimpleName public long getMobileRxBytes return tryBoth mobileRxFile_1 mobileRxFile_2 public long.. 1 on error. private static long readNumber String filename File f new File filename if f.exists if f.canRead try Log.d LOGGING_TAG f.length f.length String contents IOUtils.readFileAsString f if StringUtils.IsNotNullOrEmpty contents try return Long.parseLong.. f if StringUtils.IsNotNullOrEmpty contents try return Long.parseLong contents catch NumberFormatException nfex Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are not numeric filename else Log.w LOGGING_TAG File contents are empty filename catch FileNotFoundException..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused?