android Programming Glossary: integer.tostring
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view nameNumberArray new String cursor.getCount Log.d rows Integer.toString cursor.getCount Log.d phone here while cursor.moveToNext String..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText.. s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText s android signals rssi share improve..
Detect application heap size in Android memoryClass am.getMemoryClass Log.v onCreate memoryClass Integer.toString memoryClass This method tells you approximately how many megabytes..
Android long-touch event this private void inc mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString mCounter private void dec mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString.. mCounter private void dec mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString mCounter private void startUpdating boolean inc if mUpdater..
How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images? MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Integer.toString imageID loadThumbnailImage uri.toString ... protected Bitmap..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Integer.toString imageID String url uri.toString Set the content of the image..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? value you set to it. views.setTextViewText Integer.toString count and then you just have to update the widget itself appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget..
Not able to get the TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING Log.d DEBUG RINGING return Ringing return Integer.toString state I am able to see the IDLE State. But When I call i dont..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? sql insertStmt.clearBindings insertStmt.bindString 1 Integer.toString this.accId insertStmt.bindString 2 this.accName insertStmt.bindBlob..
Return data from AsyncTask class BookCatalogEntry temp DebugLog.d TAG apparently we found Integer.toString num_books books. for int book_id 0 book_id num_books book_id..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? int bounding dpToPx 250 Log.i Test original width Integer.toString width Log.i Test original height Integer.toString height Log.i.. width Integer.toString width Log.i Test original height Integer.toString height Log.i Test bounding Integer.toString bounding Determine.. height Integer.toString height Log.i Test bounding Integer.toString bounding Determine how much to scale the dimension requiring..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ charset UTF 8 conn.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString postData.length conn.setRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin.. www form urlencoded con.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString data.length Issue the HTTP POST request OutputStream output..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view null null null null String nameNumberArray new String cursor.getCount Log.d rows Integer.toString cursor.getCount Log.d phone here while cursor.moveToNext String phoneNumber cursor.getString cursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER..
How to get cell service signal strength in Android? the string String s int rss 0 int cid 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText s android signals rssi share improve this question create.. 0 for NeighboringCellInfo nci n cid nci.getCid rss 113 2 nci.getRssi s Cell ID Integer.toString cid Signal Power dBm Integer.toString rss n mainText.setText s android signals rssi share improve this question create a PhoneStateListener and handle the..
Detect application heap size in Android am ActivityManager getSystemService ACTIVITY_SERVICE int memoryClass am.getMemoryClass Log.v onCreate memoryClass Integer.toString memoryClass This method tells you approximately how many megabytes of heap your app should use if it wants to be properly..
Android long-touch event this mDecButton.setOnKeyListener this mDecButton.setOnClickListener this private void inc mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString mCounter private void dec mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString mCounter private void startUpdating boolean inc if mUpdater.. this private void inc mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString mCounter private void dec mCounter mText.setText Integer.toString mCounter private void startUpdating boolean inc if mUpdater null Log.e getClass .getSimpleName Another executor is still..
How to query Android MediaStore Content Provider, avoiding orphaned images? MediaStore.Images.Media._ID Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Integer.toString imageID loadThumbnailImage uri.toString ... protected Bitmap loadThumbnailImage String url Get original image ID int originalImageId..
Displaying images from a specific folder on the SDCard using a gridview columnIndex obtain the image URI Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI Integer.toString imageID String url uri.toString Set the content of the image based on the image URI int originalImageId Integer.parseInt..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? you want for any count text view int count 50 Or whatever value you set to it. views.setTextViewText Integer.toString count and then you just have to update the widget itself appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget appWidgetId views NOTE The updatePeriodMillis..
Not able to get the TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING DEBUG OFFHOOK return Off hook case TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_RINGING Log.d DEBUG RINGING return Ringing return Integer.toString state I am able to see the IDLE State. But When I call i dont get the Ringing state. Why android share improve this question..
how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it? VALUES SQLiteStatement insertStmt db.compileStatement sql insertStmt.clearBindings insertStmt.bindString 1 Integer.toString this.accId insertStmt.bindString 2 this.accName insertStmt.bindBlob 3 this.accImage insertStmt.executeInsert db.close To..
Return data from AsyncTask class new ArrayList String int num_books books.length BookCatalogEntry temp DebugLog.d TAG apparently we found Integer.toString num_books books. for int book_id 0 book_id num_books book_id JSONObject book books.getJSONObject book_id String title..
Fit image into ImageView, keep aspect ratio and then resize ImageView to image dimensions? bounding box int width bitmap.getWidth int height bitmap.getHeight int bounding dpToPx 250 Log.i Test original width Integer.toString width Log.i Test original height Integer.toString height Log.i Test bounding Integer.toString bounding Determine how much.. bitmap.getHeight int bounding dpToPx 250 Log.i Test original width Integer.toString width Log.i Test original height Integer.toString height Log.i Test bounding Integer.toString bounding Determine how much to scale the dimension requiring less scaling is.. Test original width Integer.toString width Log.i Test original height Integer.toString height Log.i Test bounding Integer.toString bounding Determine how much to scale the dimension requiring less scaling is closer to the its side. This way the image..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Content Type application x www form urlencoded charset UTF 8 conn.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString postData.length conn.setRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth_token OutputStream out conn.getOutputStream.. POST con.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlencoded con.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString data.length Issue the HTTP POST request OutputStream output con.getOutputStream output.write data output.close Read the..