

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:05

android Programming Glossary: integer.max_value

How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot?


for RunningServiceInfo service manager.getRunningServices Integer.MAX_VALUE if service name goes here .equals service.service.getClassName..

Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON


where you can see all the markers on screen int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int minLong Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int.. markers on screen int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int minLong Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int maxLong Integer.MIN_VALUE check..

how to get bitmap information and then decode bitmap from internet-inputStream?


new BufferedInputStream inputStream inputStream.mark Integer.MAX_VALUE final BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options..

How to create a closed (circular) ListView?


ArrayAdapter public static final int HALF_MAX_VALUE Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 public final int MIDDLE private T objects public CircularArrayAdapter.. objects.length @Override public int getCount return Integer.MAX_VALUE @Override public T getItem int position return objects position..

How to implement an endless gallery in Android?


ImageAdapter this g.setFocusable true g.setSelection int Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 mImageIds.length g.setOnItemClickListener.. g.setFocusable true g.setSelection int Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 mImageIds.length g.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener..

HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added?


on both the Layout and ScrollView I tried scrollTo Integer.MAX_VALUE and it scrolled into the netherverse Am I violating a UI thread..

Connect points on map with lines


Android: Setting Zoom Level in Google Maps to include all Marker points


in my list. I am using following code. int minLatitude Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLatitude Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLongitude Integer.MAX_VALUE.. int maxLatitude Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLongitude Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLongitude Integer.MIN_VALUE Find the boundaries of the..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


share improve this question Kinda like this int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int.. Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLon Integer.MIN_VALUE for GeoPoint item items int lat..

Android: Scroller Animation?


int initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX..

Programmatic Views how to set unique id's?


view 'graph'. You could try to start with a number that is Integer.MAX_VALUE and decrease it instead of going from 1 MAX_VALUE share improve..

Android: How to force restart of a service (OS killing on low memory behavior)?


for RunningServiceInfo service manager.getRunningServices Integer.MAX_VALUE if servicename.equals service.service.getClassName return true..

Authorative way to override onMeasure()?


and then during the UNSPECIFIED phase requesting a size of Integer.MAX_VALUE . Doing so gives you the max size your parent allows on the..

How to find the currently running applications programatically in android?


recentTasks activityManager.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE for int i 0 i recentTasks.size i Log.d Executed app Application..

How to kill currently running task in android


List RunningTaskInfo a am.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE PackageManager pack this.getPackageManager for int i 0 i a.size..

android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out)


if instream null return null if entity.getContentLength Integer.MAX_VALUE throw new IllegalArgumentException HTTP entity too large to..

How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot?


ActivityManager cx.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for RunningServiceInfo service manager.getRunningServices Integer.MAX_VALUE if service name goes here .equals service.service.getClassName return true return false And if it isn't just start it..

Can anyone guide me how to get Google Directions between two locations using JSON


These values are used to get map boundary area The area where you can see all the markers on screen int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int minLong Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int maxLong Integer.MIN_VALUE check for null in case it is null.. to get map boundary area The area where you can see all the markers on screen int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int minLong Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int maxLong Integer.MIN_VALUE check for null in case it is null if nearPlaces.results null..

how to get bitmap information and then decode bitmap from internet-inputStream?


with a BufferedInputStream but it didn't work inputStream new BufferedInputStream inputStream inputStream.mark Integer.MAX_VALUE final BitmapFactory.Options options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeStream..

How to create a closed (circular) ListView?


The code is as fallows public class CircularArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter public static final int HALF_MAX_VALUE Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 public final int MIDDLE private T objects public CircularArrayAdapter Context context int textViewResourceId T objects.. this.objects objects MIDDLE HALF_MAX_VALUE HALF_MAX_VALUE objects.length @Override public int getCount return Integer.MAX_VALUE @Override public T getItem int position return objects position objects.length So this creates a class called CircularArrayAdapter..

How to implement an endless gallery in Android?


Gallery g Gallery findViewById R.id.gallery g.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this g.setFocusable true g.setSelection int Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 mImageIds.length g.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView.. R.id.gallery g.setAdapter new ImageAdapter this g.setFocusable true g.setSelection int Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 Integer.MAX_VALUE 2 mImageIds.length g.setOnItemClickListener new OnItemClickListener public void onItemClick AdapterView parent View v..

HorizontalScrollView: auto-scroll to end when new Views are added?


and has the same symptom. I tried various things like requestLayout on both the Layout and ScrollView I tried scrollTo Integer.MAX_VALUE and it scrolled into the netherverse Am I violating a UI thread issue or something Rick public class Main extends Activity..

Connect points on map with lines


Android: Setting Zoom Level in Google Maps to include all Marker points


level for Maps in android such that it includes all the points in my list. I am using following code. int minLatitude Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLatitude Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLongitude Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLongitude Integer.MIN_VALUE Find the boundaries.. list. I am using following code. int minLatitude Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLatitude Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLongitude Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLongitude Integer.MIN_VALUE Find the boundaries of the item set for GeoPoint item items item Contain list of Geopints..

Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible


this be done auto magically android gps android mapview share improve this question Kinda like this int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLon Integer.MIN_VALUE for GeoPoint item items int lat item.getLatitudeE6.. share improve this question Kinda like this int minLat Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLat Integer.MIN_VALUE int minLon Integer.MAX_VALUE int maxLon Integer.MIN_VALUE for GeoPoint item items int lat item.getLatitudeE6 int lon item.getLongitudeE6 maxLat Math.max..

Android: Scroller Animation?


scroller new Scroller getActivity void start int initialVelocity int initialX scrollingView.getScrollX int maxX Integer.MAX_VALUE or some appropriate max value in your code scroller.fling initialX 0 initialVelocity 0 0 maxX 0 10 Log.i TAG starting fling..

Programmatic Views how to set unique id's?


Android: How to force restart of a service (OS killing on low memory behavior)?


Authorative way to override onMeasure()?


How to find the currently running applications programatically in android?


getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE final List RunningTaskInfo recentTasks activityManager.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE for int i 0 i recentTasks.size i Log.d Executed app Application executed recentTasks.get i .baseActivity.toShortString..

How to kill currently running task in android


am ActivityManager context. getSystemService Activity.ACTIVITY_SERVICE List RunningTaskInfo a am.getRunningTasks Integer.MAX_VALUE PackageManager pack this.getPackageManager for int i 0 i a.size i String packageName a.get i .topActivity.getPackageName..

android httpclient hangs on second request to the server (connection timed out)


new IllegalArgumentException HTTP entity may not be null if instream null return null if entity.getContentLength Integer.MAX_VALUE throw new IllegalArgumentException HTTP entity too large to be buffered in memory int i int entity.getContentLength if..