android Programming Glossary: install_parse_failed_no_certificates
android: what is INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error? what is INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error I was trying to change my default main startup whatever you call it activity by editing the androidmanifest.xml file... property. however this completely broke the entire app. when i try to install it fails and reads Installation error INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES when i tried to change it back to its previous state it was still giving me the same error... what have i done android..
Trying to manually sign android package with jarsigner.exe and install with adb.exe to a separate directory. I signed and zipAligned the package and used adb to install it but received the error Failure INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES I used the following command to sign it. jarsigner verbose keystore c users jhwong .android debug.keystore storepass android..
Eclipse wont let my app run let my app run I'm trying to install the app I making on my phone. But I keep getting an error Installation error INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES I'm using Eclipse. I've never seen this problem before. I have run my app on my phone hundreds of times. No apparent errors..
Android signing with ANT chain is not validated. When I try to install this apk into an emulator or device I get the following Failure INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES Logcat shows signing problems on my css file and image assets 11 07 11 06 20.060 WARN PackageParser 58 Exception reading..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing install and start the application 1360 KB s 2057872 bytes in 1.477s pkg data local tmp FX 602P Droid 5.0.0.apk Failure INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES As I said in the first sentence It works fine when signing with Mac OS X. It only fails when using Windows 7 to sigh. Using..