android Programming Glossary: host.addtab
How to communicate between Android tabs as activities using new intents as TabHost host getTabHost host.addTab host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator Search .setContent new Intent.. Search .setContent new Intent this SearchTabActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec Result .setIndicator Android .setContent new..
Custom tabs in android [closed]
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class host.setup Log.i this.toString add tabs host.addTab host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator First Results .setContent.. new Intent this FirstResultsListViewActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent.. setup . But for the setContent part do something like this host.addTab host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent..
Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable selector In my code an example tab is generated using host.addTab host.newTabSpec three .setIndicator map drawables .setContent..
How to communicate between Android tabs result tab and display the result. i have added the tabs as activities using new intents as TabHost host getTabHost host.addTab host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator Search .setContent new Intent this SearchTabActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec.. getTabHost host.addTab host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator Search .setContent new Intent this SearchTabActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec Result .setIndicator Android .setContent new Intent this ResultTabActivity.class Now i cant find a way for..
Custom tabs in android [closed]
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class this.toString get tab host TabHost host TabHost findViewById host.setup Log.i this.toString add tabs host.addTab host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator First Results .setContent new Intent this FirstResultsListViewActivity.class host.addTab.. host.newTabSpec one .setIndicator First Results .setContent new Intent this FirstResultsListViewActivity.class host.addTab host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent new Intent this SecondResultsListViewActivity.class Log.i.. your class as extending from Activity and keep your call to setup . But for the setContent part do something like this host.addTab host.newTabSpec two .setIndicator Second Results .setContent new TabContentFactory public View createTabContent String..
Android : Customizing tabs on state : How do I make a selector a drawable android state_pressed true android drawable @drawable lightlogo selector In my code an example tab is generated using host.addTab host.newTabSpec three .setIndicator map drawables .setContent new Intent this Map.class Right now drawables is just a..